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3 person pov

Yuu was already standing at the gate clearly waiting for his younger brother. Doing his best to quickly walk by his brother and leave he still failed. "mika!" his arm was grabbed and he was pulled towards his brother rather roughly. "mika i couldn't find you anywhere! I told you i would pick you up from your classroom, but anyways let's go now!" "yuu-chan you're hurting me-" yuu noticed that he was indeed holding on to mika rather tightly and let go of the blonde apologizing. "sorry mika, but let's go now okay?" "yuu-chan i have to do my school project i don't have time" yuu sighed and just pulled mika with him to head to the place he and his friends would meet up. "yuu-chan i don't have time today, it aren't even my friends-" "that is because you won't give them a chance mika" just nodding his head knowing he can't really argue against it any way he suddenly felt really lightheaded and fell to the ground. Lacus and rene who had been watching them still saw it and when yuu let go of mika in surprise lacus managed to catch the poor blonde before his head would hit the floor.

"you know you're a total jerk towards your brother right?" carefully moving the human into a sitting position lacus let mika lean against him. Yuu took out his phone and called guran to pick mika up seeing as the other would in no way manage to walk home. Hanging up the phone he glared at the vampire that was currently holding his younger brother but lacus was not impressed in the slightest.

In less then ten minutes guran had gotten to the school and walked up to them, lacus let go off mikaela handed the human to his brother and left with rene guessing they wouldn't be appreciated by the man. Guran got down in front of mika and felt his forehead, he wasn't having a fever which was a relief. "hey mika i'm going to take you home okay?" "mhm k" the man picked the blonde boy up and yuu canceled the hang out with his friends to go home to make sure mika would be okay. He hates vampires but lacus did have a point, he was pushing mika to hang out with his friends despite the blonde not wanting to and that was quite rude of him. 

word count 408

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