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3 person pov

Currently mika was sitting outside watching how yuu was swinging his sword around with guran yelling at him for not doing it the right way, mika had no need to be practicing with swords or anything. He wouldn't join the human army anyways. "enjoying yourself mika?" shinya sat down next to the blonde handing him a glass of water, it was a rather warm day today so better to stay hydrated. "yuu-chan is being dumb again" shinya smiled and nodded his head seeing as yuu had to dodge guran again.

"so~ how's your 'friendship' with your vampires going?" shinya had a smirk resting on his face looking over at the blonde. He was quite fond of seeing mika get flustered around the two vampires and the other way around as well. "i- our friendship is good?" looking away from his father figure mika had a slight blush dusting over his cheeks. Shinya liked the two boys, guran hated them as they were vampires and guran hates vampires in general. Yuu had started to keep his opinion to himself And just let his brother do as he wishes but still kept an eye on the two vampires to make sure they wouldn't put their filthy hands on mika, of course they were very touchy so it was difficult to do so.

He'd kill them as soon as he had a reason to do so.

"aww mika is in love~~" "i am not!" shinya laughed and patted him on the head. "there is nothing wrong with admitting it mika, love is a natural thing you know" "but- i am not in love" lying was a thing he was normally rather good at, but right now he was not, regarding his feelings for the two vampires shinya was right, he did like them.

"no dating till you're eighteen mikaela" "i- but yuu-chan had a girlfriend when he was sixteen! That's unfair!" shinya let out a small laugh and guran rolled his eyes. "different situation mika, you're younger so no dating till you're grown up" "i am grown up! You're being unreasonable, shinya you'll let me date right??" shinya smiled and hugged his son closer to him. "of course mika, as long as you let us meet them" the blonde smiled and guran rolled his eyes. Shinya was always picking sides with mika, the two little demons spiraling against him.

It was silent for a couple of minutes, just the clashing of swords hitting against each other could be heard, so when his phone rang mika jumped up a little from the sudden noice. Shinya laughed at the reaction which received him a glare from the other.

He picked up his phone rolling his eyes at shinya who made a heart with his hand.

"mikaaa!!" "yes? Something the matter lacus?" the other made an offended gasp on the other end of the phone and mika sighed. "where are you? We were supposed to be meeting up today remember? Did you forget about us...?" "of course not- i'm already on my way?" "mika lying is bad you know, just hurry up we won't be waiting forever~" "okay i'll be there in a bit" mika hung up the phone and looked to shinya pleading him to let him go out even tho it was starting to get kind of late, "mika really? Fine just make sure you stay safe. Either get them to bring you home or stay over there" smiling mika hugged the other before getting up. "thanks shinya" 

word count 590

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