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3 person pov

Two hours later mika opened his eyes a little. "mikaela? You with us now?" he just hummed and closed his eyes again really not caring about the position he found himself in. "if you were still feeling unwell you could have said so mika, we would have come over to yours or just make it another time" "i was feeling fine..." it was nothing more then a lie and that was rather clear this time. "what makes you pass out? Is it because you don't eat enough?"

"food makes me sick.. I don't know what it is i just been passing out ever since i woke up in the hospital last year-" he really isn't filtering what he is saying, that was something he had rather kept hidden from everyone. "hospital? What happened to make you end up there?" well he already got there so better just go the whole way instead of stopping halfway. "don't remember everything before the moment i woke up is just a blur. Just my first name, that's all i could remember" "oh- I'm sorry for asking i did think it would be that serious, my apologies mikaela" he just smiled a little and opened his eyes again. "it's fine no worries, bits of it are coming back, sometimes that makes me faint"

After a couple of hours had passed they had just been watching some movies and messing around when mika claimed he needed to go home, well it was almost dark after all and seeing as humans needed sleep it was understandable. "do you want us to walk you home mika?" "no i'll be fine but thanks for the offer" putting his shoes back on he went outside looking back at the two vampires who were standing in the doorway. "text us when you get home alright?" "mhm okay, see you guys at school!" he smiled a little before walking away heading home.

He really did have fun today, they were really nice and he supposes that they are friends now seeing as they got along quite well and enjoy each other their company.

Upon getting home both cars were already in the driveway meaning that both of his parents are home already. He sighed and got inside seeing the lights coming from out of the kitchen he took his shoes off and went there, and as he thought both guran and shinya were sitting at the dining table seeming to be waiting for him. "where did you go mikaela? You know you can't go outside while you're sick"

"what is my last name"   

word count 435

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