Part 1-Back in freeridge

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Anastasia pov
Hey their my names Anastasia or Ana for short I'm 20 I lived in freeridge before when I was smaller but I left when I went to New York for a while after my dad was killed in a crossfire between santos and prophets I need time to my self so I left to New York but now I'm back "hey mami como estás (how are u)" I asked my mother as I walked into her house she jumped up and pulled me into a hug "mija when did u get here" she asked me while crushing me "today en la mañana/in the morning" I said she smiled and kissed my cheek "'me alegra verte bien mija (glad to see u doing good" she said "yea ma I'm feeling good we'll imma go see ruby I've been dying to see that's mocoso" I said she nodded and I walked out to the street and started walking towards ruby house

Anastasia pov Hey their my names Anastasia or Ana for short I'm 20 I lived in freeridge before when I was smaller but I left when I went to New York for a while after my dad was killed in a crossfire between santos and prophets I need time to my s...

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This is what you where wearing btw :)
As I was walking a red impala stopped next to me "hey mami what u doing walking all sola/alone" a guy said "none of your business" I said I heard him chuckle that when I heard Cesar "Ana omg your back" he yelled as he got out of the impala and ran to me hugging me I hugged him back "hey fool como estás/how are u" I asked him "good how about you when did u get back from New York" he asked "today I was heading towards ruby's" I said "great I'm coming" he said then turned around "hey Oscar imma go to rubys" he said so that's the famous 'spooky' I heard he just got out of jail "alright... and tu mami no me vas a decir como te llamas/aren't u going to tell me what's your name" he asked me I turned around "Anastasia" I said he just smiled I then walked away with Cesar "ignore him he's a creep" Cesar said as we arrived at rubys we knocked then my aunt geny opened the door "ohhh mija your back" she said as she pulled me into a hug soon ruby saw it was me and pushed his mom out of the "move it's my turn.... ANA I MISSED U" he said as he hugged me "I missed u to mano" I said tbh I loved ruby as a brother even tho we where cuzs his mother and my mom where sisters "Ana your back" Jamal said pushing ruby out of the way and hugging me soon monse came "let the girl breath and my turn" she said I hugged all of them "it's good to see all of y'all's pretty faces" I said "likewise" monse said soon we all just talked and caught up when we decide to go walking outside they where telling me all the tea between santos and prophets "damm these fools crazy" I said laughing "yup plus ever since spooky came out Cesar spends so much time with him that's why we don't speak to him" ruby said "wait u guys aren't speaking what the hell happened" monse asked I  forgot she went to camp for summer "nothing" Jamal said soon the famous red impala showed up "fine I'll ask my self" said pulling me and her toward the car "you crazy" Oscar said stopping the car "just wanted to let Cesar know I'm back" she said "looking like a fine ass hyna" Oscar said monse rolled her eyes "something different tho" Oscar said "yea I got boobs" she said "nahh u got your braces off" spooky said he then looked at me and smirked "ahhh it's the mami chula from this morning" he said I rolled my eyes soon they left we where all walking to the bodega to get some snack when we where walking back to rubys house we passed the Diaz house "hey Ana come here say hi to some old friends" Cesar said I smiled and walked sup I met eyes with sad eyes "heyy ma didn't know u where back" he said hugging me and spinning me around wanna know something me and sad eyes where kinda hookups before I left to New York "hola Antonio" I said kissing his cheek I saw from the corner of my eye spooky glare at us "wassup Ana" a few other santos said I waved and exchanged a few hugs "hey Ana we having a santos party tomorrow at 8 u should come" Cesar said I looked at him "yea sure I'll be here" I said standing next to sad eyes "ana let's go now" ruby said "shit I forgot y'all were with me let's go before Tia kills me" I said walking away hearing some santos laugh that I forgot about the freshman's I arrived at my tias house and dropped off monse and ruby soon I was just left with Jamal he didn't wanna walk alone so I walked him home "night ana" Jamal's said walking toward he's house "night Jamal" I said walking away what I didn't know was that I was walking toward the Diaz house again because I had to go through their to get to my house "hey what's up ana didn't know you where back mama" I heard latrelle the prophet "Latrelle go away" I said walking faster "hey what's the rush mama"he said getting off his car and up to me holding my wrist tightly "let me go" I said looking at him straight in the eyes he just smirked and leaned into me kissing me his lips barley touched mine before I pushed him off and slapped him "u bitch" he spat as he pushed me the the ground I hurt my knee and my hand a little didn't hurt tho another prophet grabbed my arms but I managed to kick him very hard right in the crotch and ran I didn't stop when I heard "hey ma u good" spooky asked coming up to me "y-yea spooky I'm fine" I said out of breath "what happened to your hand" he asked grabbing it "well what can I say when a girl walks alone and forgets prophets are out" I said he looked pissed "did they hurt u" he asked "no I said I'm fine I should go before my mom get worried" I said walking away when I felt a hand around my wrist "vamos mami yo te voy a dejar/come on I'll drop u off" he said "n-no it's fine I can wal-" I was cut if "Anastasia get in the dam car!"he slightly raised his voice I quickly walked toward the red impala "y-yessir" I said getting in we drove in silence we arrived at my house I was getting out when he grabbed my arm "y mi beso de buenas noches/my kiss goodnight" he said I rolled my eyes and got out "thanks for the ride spooky" I said walking towards the door "Oscar!" He yelled I looked back "huh" I said "call me Oscar chula" he said I nodded and went inside and straight to bed

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