Part 2-santos party

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Ana pov
I was still sleeping when someone barged into my room "Ana get up and go leave me for my first day please" ruby said I forgot he start high school today "alright jeez wait out side imma change and shit" I said he nodded and went out I got up went to use the bathroom i got changed into sweats and a crop top with a sweater I went out to the living room "alright let's go Ruben" I said going to the front door "I'll be back ma" I yelled "ok be careful" she said I went and picked up Jamal and monse "morning cracks" I said "morning Ana" Jamal and monse said together we arrived at school "have a good day and be safe" I yelled as they got out "Ik Ana we are not kids" ruby said "oh ok mr. Ruby have fun" I said driving away I stopped by a taco restaurant to get my mom food I went in and ordered "hola me da tress de pollo y tos de carne asada"I said to Juan the vendor "claro good to have u back Ana" he said "thanks feels good to be back" I said smiling then I heard people whistling at me "Que mamasita"one said I turned around and it was the santos of course "hey Ana" sad eyes said I went over to him and hugged him "sup sad eyes" I said he quickly took my arms from him "dude la ruca is here" he said I started laughing "u scared of yo ruca" I said laughing with joker another santo "no I'm scared for u" he said "nahhh Ana could take her did u hear she kicked a prophets crotch and they can't even walk" joker said "ohhhh damm she's the one that left him like that" another santo said "damm mami santos scared of u now" Oscar said I winked at him and turned around when Juan called me for my tacos "thanks Juan have a nice day" I said "you to mija" he said I turned to the santos "bye mocosos" I said smirking they all looked at me like they where gonna hunt I ran out of the place into my car laughing I went home to eat with my mother ruby then called saying monse was at the Diaz house insulting Cesar so I got up and went over their "u humiliate me to impress your puto friends" she yelled "oh damm" I said they all looked at me "alright monse let's go" I said I was walking towards them when hands wrapped around my waist "let them solve their problems" Oscar said he left his hands on my waist I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder I was so star struck I didn't move I then felt him literally suck my my skin on my collarbone "Oscar what the fuck" I said pushing him away cleaning the place for he had is ugly but cute lips "oh come on mami don't act like I didn't like it" he said I slapped him "does that prove I didn't like it cabron" I said "come on guys!"i yelled I then pulled monse "and u asshole how could u hurt her" I said to Cesar "heyyyy Ana u still coming to the party" joker asked "YES" I yelled as I was already walking away /time skip/ I was getting ready for the santos party

 Ruby have fun" I said driving away I stopped by a taco restaurant to get my mom food I went in and ordered "hola me da tress de pollo y tos de carne asada"I said to Juan the vendor "claro good to have u back Ana" he said "thanks feels good to be ...

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That's the dress your wearing to the party
I did some basic makeup little nude lipstick and mascara it was 8 clock so I started heading out I got in my car and drove to the Diaz house I arrived and got out and started walking towards the back some santos where whistling "dude shut up that's Oscar's hyna" one known as Ricky said I ignored it they probably got confused "Ana u made it.. wow u look hot" joker said I laughed and hugged him "thanks joker" I said then their was spooky sitting on a couch while cholas danced on him "hey Ana meet my hyna huerita" he said "hey there it's good to have another girl in this group"she said hugging me "hi nice to me u Ana"I said she smiled "Ana let's go dance" Santiago said he was another santo very hot one to ok let's go dance partner" I said handing my cerveza to sad eyes me and Santiago where dance he had his hands on my waist I was basically grinning on him I was a little tipsy I saw Oscar he looked mad that's when I started to twerk on santi and Oscar got up and dragged me by my arm "hey what the hell" I said as he dragged me into the house "stop fucking twerking on Santiago" he growled "why I came here to have fun" I said he smirked "alright have fun with me then over there"he said pointing to what I can imagine is his room "gross I'm going home" I said walking away before he pulled me again "alright I'll go drop u off" he said "no I brought my car"i said walking away a bit yet again he stopped me "Ana for god sake u can pick it up tomorrow your drunk"he raised his voice and took me to his car he then drove me home "thanks for the ride and the party I guess" I said getting out "no problem princess"he said I went inside and straight to my bedroom and fell asleep

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