Part 8 out if the hospital

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Ana pov
Today I woke up in the Diaz house yesterday I was able to leave the hospital I was feeling better tbh it was just my shoulder that got shot "morning princess" Oscar said as I walked outside "hey papi" I said sitting on his lap to give him a kiss "y'all are like the golden couple of the santos" Pablo said I laughed "ehh not like I had a choice with this dude" I said I quickly got up "sorry I didn't mean it" I said laughing I covered my mouth "Anastasia when are u gonna learn stop calling me dude" Oscar said getting up coming towards me I started running "I'm sorry papi but I mean you are a dude what u want me to call u mujer" I said running away while a laughing some santos laughed at what I said "she definitely got him wrapped homie in love look at how he smiles. chasing her around" John said the older santo soon Oscar caught me and threw me over his shoulder "ahh stop my shoulder" I said wincing in pain he quickly put me down "sorry I totally forgot about your shoulder"he said kissing my face "shahs I was kidding dude" I said running inside "that woman is gonna be the death of me" I heard Oscar say before he ran after me he pinned me to the wall "so u gonna stop with the dude" he said "yes daddy" I said smirking "ohh Ana you playing a dangerous game mamasita" he said kissing my neck I slightly moaned "haha got u" he said walking away "Oscar spooky motherfucking Diaz your really gonna leave me here hanging" I said he laughed and came back "mamas we can't have sex U just came out of the hospital"he said "puto it was my arm not my whole body now come on"I said dragging him to our room "Ana we shouldn't" he said he didn't want to hurt me "look either u fuck me right now or I go find someone else to do it" I said crossing my arms he had a smirk "alright bet" he said he quickly took all my cloth off you know what we did
I woke up a little later I got up Oscar wasn't their I went outside no one was here "what the fuck" I thought that when I saw Cesar "hey Cesar" I said he looked away from I went up and wrapped my hands around his neck he buried his head in my neck "Anastasia I'm so sorry I should've killed him" he said crying "hey hey it alright I'm fine and Ik u didn't want to kill him your just a kid Cesar" I said squeezing him "it's alright Oscar shouldn't have kicked u out" I said "talking about Oscar latrelle was following me Oscar and all the santos got him I think they are gonna kill him" Cesar saw "oh god where are they" I asked Cesar lead me to an alley their I saw them beating him up "Oscar stop it"I yelled they all turned and looked at me "Cesar I told u not to fucking say anything"Oscar yelled I went up to them latrelle look me in the eyes "Ana I didn't mean to hurt u I was their for Cesar" he said "yes u still did and in the process u fucking killed Olivia that was my cousin u asshole and u hurt ruby u well damm know I don't play when it comes to family so if the santos wanna kill u so it be" i yelled walking away knowing the santos where gonna kill him as I felt tears falling I haven't cried since that I accident because I didn't want it to be real it was New Year's I went over to Olivia's memorial and I fell to my knees crying "sorry oliv I I should've seen it coming sooner" I said bawling my eyes out "it's not your fault" ruby said hugging me I cried even more "I'm so so sorry ruby" I said "hey hey we are both fine it wasn't your fault anyways" he said squeezing me monse and Jamal joined the hug ruby put down the present he got for Olivia "open it dumbass" I said he did and it was a translation book for Spanish I started laughing "really ruby" I said they all started laughing "that girl was everything but a Spanish speaker" monse said we all agreed soon Cesar came we all hugged him and told him it wasn't his fault "imma go guys I kinda wanna be alone rn" I said starting to walk away "Ana prophets are still out there" Cesar said I shrugged "I honestly don't care I should've died that night"I said crying again while walking Cesar said something to monse he then came towards me "here let me walk with u" he said I didn't say anything I was still bawling my eyes out we saw the all the santos out side I walked away Oscar was about to come up to me but Cesar stoped him
Santos pov
"Dude what are u doing" Oscar asked Cesar "let her let it all out she said she wanted to be alone" Cesar told his older brother
Ana pov
I was feeling so tired of all this gang shit it cost my cousins life and Almost ruby's "FUCK" I yelled as I fell to the ground Oscar came toward me "i I can't breath" I said crying "shhh mami estás bien breath princess breath" he said hugging me I calmed down to his touch "he is he gone" I asked looking at him he nodded yes and I just hugged him very tight I got up and saw all the santos where looking at me with saddens "sorry y'all had to see my breakdown normally I don't let people see my weak side but I couldnt pretend I was ok anymore" I said wiping my eyes they all nodded and some came and group hugged me "thanks guys" I said "np Ana u family we got u" joker said "well why u crying did Oscar finally see he made a mistake and left u" I heard Roxy I wasn't really in the mood I went up to her and punched her straight in the nose again "look bitch I'm not in the fucking mood for your statements so why don't u get over the fact that Oscar chose me you where just his little distraction bitch" I said while beating her up she threw a punch at me and hit me in my cheek then busted my lip I got up and took Oscar's gun from his waist band in his pants he looked shocked I pointed the gun at the girl "look I'm tired of your bs imma give u to the count of 4 to get the tf off of our property and never show your face here" I said I looked at her and unlocked the gun "1....2..3" I said she quickly ran away I turned around everyone was looking at me "here" I said giving Oscar his gun back and walking up the stairs into the house

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