Part 12- money prophets problems

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Ana's pov
I was outside with Mara Ruby came yelling with Jamal "Ana your boyfriends a dick tell him to give us our money back" Jamal said "what money" I asked "well u see we found the roller world money and we wanted to use it to free Cesar from the gang and Oscar lied said he was gonna free him but just took our money" Jamal ramble I looked at Oscar "I did something good tho" Oscar said just then Cesar came "did y'all see all he prophets got arrested it all over the news" Cesar said I pulled out my phone and im deed all prophets where caught "what the hell" I said over smirked "told ya it's covered so we don't have to worry about prophets anymore" Oscar said "that calls for party" joker yells "well y'all party imma take Mara to see my mom" I said "ma really I want u here tho" he said I looked at him "fine ruby take Mara to my moms please" I said he looked at me and sighed "FINE" he yelled I gave him a kiss on the cheek "thanks" I said I got maras backpack and all her stuff she was excited to see Carlos and my mom "bye baby" I said kissing maras cheek "bye ma bye pa" she said Oscar gave her a kiss and she left "imma go get ready" I said kissing Oscar and walking up to the house

This uI came out to the back yard "damm mamasita my flannel be looking hot on u" Oscar said pulling me to sit on his lap I kissed him then this girl came over "hey spooky need a massage or sum" she said winking at him I scoffed "nahh I'm good" Osc...

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This u
I came out to the back yard "damm mamasita my flannel be looking hot on u" Oscar said pulling me to sit on his lap I kissed him then this girl came over "hey spooky need a massage or sum" she said winking at him I scoffed "nahh I'm good" Oscar said looking away smoking his blunt "come on papi" the girl said I got up "fuck u keep begging for this fool mine so why don't u go and find your self another one" I said Oscar pulled back onto his lap but I got up again I went and turned the music down a bit "listen up morras that hot ass fool over there is mine alright so if any of y'all touch him or flirt with him trust me you'll regret it mamasitas" I said going back to Oscar's lap "damm ma claiming territory" he said I nodded and kissed him deeply "duhh your mine ese" I said pulling away "did u just call me ese" he asked I laughed "yup osito" I said he smiled at my nickname "so when u gonna cuff up this woman" ray asked Oscar looked at me "haha soon soon" he said kissing me behind my ear I just giggled I got up "let's go dance" I said pulling his arm "no I don't dance" he said I looked at him and pouted "please osito for me" I said in a very cute voice "fool u always get me with that cute shit" he said getting up and bringing me to the dance floor "damm who would've thought spooky would settle down" I heard ray tell a santo I smiled at my santo and started twerking on he grabbed my hips bringing me closer to him while I was twerking on him I could feel him getting hard I giggled and grinned more on him I got tired "I'll be back babe imma go call my mom" I said walking away he let me go I went in front and called my mom "hey mom did Mara get their" I asked "yes baby she's here she's sleeping" she said "oh ok thanks mom" I said "np mija" she said we hung up and I went back to the party and I was dancing with Oscar again when the song that was played at Olivia's 15 started playing I froze in place "baby u good" Oscar aske do felt like I couldn't breath he then remembered and heard the song "hey hey turn that shit off now" Oscar yelled they quickly shut it off I was hyperventilating all I could see was latrelle point the gun at me then the shot "hey hey Ana breath baby breath he can't hurt u he's gone" Oscar said I didn't even notice he pulled me away from the party but some people where still looking at me "sorry" I said he hugged me "mami u don't have to be sorry don't worry about it u went threw a trama it can't just go away" he said kissing my head "thanks Oscar Frl for being their for me" I said kissing his cheek "mami I'm always gonna be here for you till I die" he said "come on let's go to bed it alreayd 3am" he said we both got up "night guys" I said "night Ana" they said we walked inside I put on one of Oscar's big shirt on and took of my pants leaving me in underwear I came out of the bathroom Oscar was in bed already shirtless "looking like a fine ass hyna mamasita" he said I laughed and got in bed with him he started kissing my neck "Oscar.." I slightly moaned he then got on top of me man why can't I resist this fool I thought (and u know what happened between those to)

A/n: sorry this kinda short

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