Part 20

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Me and Oscar have been together now for 3months today is maras birthday she is turning 6 we didn't celebrate her 5th birthday because me and Oscar weren't together but today Oscar said we were throwing her a huge ass santo party also I found out I was three weeks pregnant I'm going to tell Oscar today that we are gonna be parents again "morning mami happy birthday"I said as Mara came out of her room "how does it feel to be 6"Oscar asked her "ehh it's alright"she said going to the kitchen to get water "hey what's up Mara u don't seem excited your six baby"I said going up to her she looked at me "ma I'm kinda sad today I miss grandma and Carlos"she said that broke me "aww baby I misss them to but u know they would want U to have fun so come on and get the excitement on and get ready for school because today your having the best birthday ever ok"I said she hugged me "thanks mom"she said and went off to her room "u know your a great mom"Oscar said as he hugged me from behind "mhmm"I said (time skip) we were getting the backyard ready for maras birthday their where huge balloons and a lot of shit soon Mara came home Oscar went and picked her up "hey mamas let's go get ready"I said she lead me to her room i showered her and put on her cloth she was wearing a gorgeous dress it's was white her hair was down and she had a little crown on I then went and got ready I put on a black dress with a little mini black crown "let's go ma"Mara said I giggled "I'm coming"I said I grabbed her hand and head towards the backyard everyone started chanting Mara name and saying happy birthday she kept gigling "ehhh my fool 6 now come here big chola"sad eyes said picking her up he started tickling her she was laughing "carful dude she's got a dress on"I said he then set her down Oscar came up to us "damm my queen and my princess"he said as he picked up Mara and hugged me "I love u fool"I said he looked at me "yo I'm not yo fool I'm yo papi daddy or mi amor"he said I laughed "yeah what ever daddy"I said smirking he winked at me we afterwards Mara was playing with some of the santos kid and with joker that fool looked like a kid lol "alright time for the parents to do shots"Paco said bringing shots "here u u mama bear and papa bear"he said giving Oscar and me a shot I looked at it "umm someone want mine I don't feel like drinking "I said huerita looked at me "I'll take it"she said as she grabbed it and winked at me I knew she knew why I didn't want to "Ayo what wrong with u Ana u never turn down a shot"sad eyes said he was right I never said no to getting drunk "well I don't want to get drunk and messy it's my daughters birthday I wanna look out y'all can have fun and get drunk I'll be the responsible adult"I said "alright we'll at least smoke a joint with me that won't do bad"Paco said "nahh I'm good really"i said Oscar looked at me "alright Ana what's wrong with u u never ever in your life turn down a night to get high or drunk"Oscar said looking at me I looked at him "well that's because I can't do any of that for 9months"I said touching my stomach everyone's eyes widen Oscar it looked like he's seen a ghost "omg congrats girl"huerita said hugging me "thanks mana"I said then sad eyes and paco hugged me "another santo coming I call dips on it being a dude"joker said coming behind us Oscar was still taken back "w-wait yo your pregnant"he said "yup three weeks prego"i said he looked like he wanted to cry he came up to me and hugged me he even lifted me off the ground "we're gonna be parents again"he said I giggled "yup"I said popping the P "mama I'm having a sibling"Mara asked Oscar put me down and picked her up "yes you are your gonna be a big sister"Oscar told her and put her down she ran away yelling "IMMA BE A BIG SISTER FOOLS BEST BIRTHDAY"she yelled I giggled watching her "well I guess it's good for me to do this then"Oscar said I turned around and he was down on one knee I gasped and put my hand over my mouth "Oscar"I said quietly "Anastasia Marcus ever since I met u I knew u where gonna be the woman I would marry and have kids with and I know I haven't been the best boyfriend I've been shity I've hurt u but I never meant to hurt u Ana I love u so much it broke me when u went to New York again then came back with a kid I thought I lost u for ever but turns out that's ma kid who I love a lot and now I'm ready to give u the family u always wanted baby with the head of the santos dead I can do what I want so we are moving to a better house to raise our kids and grow old so Anastasia Marcos would u do me the honors of marrying me"he said I was crying at this point "yes yes Oscar I'll marry"I said he got up and kissed me "I love u"I said as he put the ring on my finger "I love u more mami"he said kissing me again everyone started clapping and chanting "y'all mofos got me crying over here"joker said causing all of us to bust out laughing we then cut maras cake and had a great time I was engaged to Oscar Diaz and I loved it ( TIME SKIP) today was the baby shower we where gonna find out what we were gonna have "y'all ready"sad eyes asked "yes"me and Oscar said they gave us a huge ass ballon "1.....2......3"we both said and we popped the ballon and the powder came out blue "OMG"I yelled Oscar picked me up "fuck yesssss we are having a boy"Oscar yelled "I CALLED IT"joker yelled I giggled Oscar put me down and kissed me "I love u ma I love u so much I can't believe we are having a boy like ahhh"he said kissing me again I laughed "I love u to"I said giving him one last peck (another time skip sorry) me and Oscar where currently living in a pretty house some of the santos come over sometimes I mean they are still family I love them so yea they stay Cesar is the gang leader I begged him so much not to join but that asshole won't listens Mara is seven can y'all believe that "omg Oscar my water broke"I yelled he came running "what Que putas ago Ana"he yelled I wanted to bust out laughing but my water broke "jeez Oscar call an ambulance or sum dumbass"I yelled as i got my first contraction "SAD EYE"he yelled I groaned "what compa"sad eyes said running "oh shit"sad eyes said looking at me "I'll go call an ambulance"sad eyes "thank his someone smart"I yelled.... We arrived at the hospital and I had our baby boy who we named Santiago Emanuel Diaz Marcus "welcome to the world Santiago"Oscar said carrying his kid he had tears in his eyes "OMG is Oscar crying"joker asked going i to the room "shut up joker"Oscar said wiping his eyes "eyyy what's up santi I'm yo uncle sad eyes and this ugly fool is joker"sad eyes said I just giggled never thought ti would see the big bad santos all nice and caring to a baby lol (TIME SKIP) me and Oscar got married we finally had our wedding Mara was 8 santi was 1 almost to I was extremely happy with my family we were all hanging outside in our back yard doing a carne asada Oscar came up to me and hugged me from behind as we watched our kids play with some of the santos kids "can u believe we actually ended up married with two kids"I asked Oscar he laughed a bit "crazy huh I never thought k would settle down and have a normal life and be a dad but it all changed when u came into my life ma and I'm grateful for that I want you to know I love you un chingo mamasita"he said I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck "I love you to Oscar I know we had our ups and downs but I'm grateful we are married and happy I never thought I was gonna get my happy ending but I'm glad i got it with u I love u osito"I said he grabbed my chin and kissed me "till death do us apart mamasita te amo "he said laughing a bit a he recited a part of our vowels "till death do us apart osito te amo mucho"i said "impossible ma u CANT love me more then i love u so don't start a war u won't be able to finish"he said I grabbed him and kissed him just then Mara came and she brought santi with her "I love u guys so much"Mara said we all did a family hug "we love u guys so much"me and Oscar said hugging our children ahhh life's perfect.

thank u sm for reading I hope y'all enjoyed this crazy ride I'll probably be doing another on my block book but it's gonna be a different lover and probably oc name p.s love y'all

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