Part 6-feels

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Anastasia pov
I woke up I took a shower then I remembered everything from last night Oscar was dancing with another girl it kind hurt because I had sex with him the day before after I left I met latrelle he walked me home and made sure I was safe tbh I appreciated him for the protection "Ana take Carlos to school" my mom yelled "ok coming" I yelled back running downstairs "come on Carlitos" I said we walked out I dropped him off then stop by to Juan's taqueria my mom wanted tacos "hey Juan" I said walking in "hey Ana want the usual" he said I nodded then I saw the santos where their I quickly pulled up my hood and looked away "Anastasia I saw u already" Oscar said Ignored him I then felt him behind me he hugged me from behind "Oscar get the fuck off me dude" I said pushing him off his expression became mad "the fuck did I tell u about calling me dude morra" he raised his voice I rolled my eyes "I'll call u what ever I want..dude" I whispered the lady part but he heard and grabbed my face "what did u call me" he said tightly holding my cheeks "oww let me go asshole" I said "hey the lady said let her go" latrelle said shit I thought to my self "get the fuck outta here prophet this is my hyna business and mine" Oscar growled "now I'm your hyna what about yesterday u completely ignored me all night and danced with that other puta" I said "now get back to your friends and stop causing a scene here at Juan's" I said he looked at me then at Latrelle "hey ma glad u got home safe" letrelle said smirking this bitch I thought "yes thanks for the walk and the talk L" I said he then left I was grabbing my bag of tacos about to walk out when Oscar grabbed my wrist "the fuck where u doing with that fool and when did u call him L" he growled very pissed sad eyes was behind him with joker "he walked me home and made sure I was safe is that a problem spooky" I said he let go "look Ana stop calling me spooky and dude I told u call me Oscar or sum else besides dude and spooky" he said sighing in anger "alright fine scumbag leave me alone" I said and walked out with a smirk "damm" I heard Paco and joker say before the door closed I was home eating my tacos my mom had to go to work someone knocked on the door I thought it was ruby so I went and opened it "hey rub- uhhh it's u" I said closing the door on Oscar but he put his foot in the crack and opened it "we need to talk morra" he said I rolled my eyes and sat down "look im sorry I left u alone yesterday for that other puta" he said I ignored him he laughed "oh u big jealous huh" he said rubbing my thigh "no I'm not we are not even dating" I said looking at him in the eyes "mami would U like to be mi novia" he said I looked at him shocked "this is a joke right where are the rest of the santos" I said standing up "mamas it's not a joke u want a real relationship right and I like u a lot so quieres ser mi novia" he asked again I looked at him "si" I said he cupped my cheek and kissed me "good because I can't return these"he said going out and coming back with roses and a bear "sorry about yesterday" he said "wow big bad spooky apologies and is romantic" I said sarcastically "shut up" he said kissing me again I kissed him back he's phone started ringing right when things where getting heated he groaned in anger "what the fuck do U want" he answered the phone he let go of me "I gotta bounce mamas latrelle pulled a gun out on monse and Cesar" he said kissing me and running out the door after a while I put the flowers in a vase and took the stuffed animal to my room after that I changed

This uCute I thought to my self and went out the door I walked to the Diaz house fast their I saw monse sitting on the ground while Oscar was yelling at Cesar "hey Oscar calm down" I said going toward monse Oscar looked at me and calmed down but c...

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This u
Cute I thought to my self and went out the door I walked to the Diaz house fast their I saw monse sitting on the ground while Oscar was yelling at Cesar "hey Oscar calm down" I said going toward monse Oscar looked at me and calmed down but continued talking "hey monse u good are u hurt what happened need  a doctor" I asked she laughed "no Ana I'm fine thanks just a little shaken up" she said I wrapped my arms around her "it's alright that's what happens when u hang with a santo but if u love him what can u do nothing really but suck up to the prophets and protect what's yours" I said Oscar heard everything I said I saw a small smile form on his lips
"Thanks Ana I really needed that" she said "anytime mama" I said giving her one more hug she then left with Cesar he went to drop her off the other santos came out and they saw me "hey Ana" some said I waved "well imma bounce I just came to see how monse was" I said getting up "damm mami already stay for a bit" Oscar said pulling me down to his lap "woah woah what did we miss here" joker said basically yelling just then Roxy the girl who Oscar was dancing with came "hey bitch get the fuck off my man" she shouted I laughed "baby what man cause all I see is my man hueritas man and the rest of the santos" I said huerita smirked at me "bitch Oscar's mine" she yelled getting in my face "Oscar" I said "mmm" he said "do u belong to this puta" I asked "nope no ma'am she past past" Oscar said I got up and got in her face "u heard the man now fuck off" I said she then punched me straight in the jaw huerita was about to get up but I nodded no sad eye held her down "solid" I said punching her in the nose knocking no her down to the ground I got on top of her and started beat her up Oscar came and picked me up "mi amor that's enough" he said I got out of his grip and went a grabbed her by the hair "next time u come acting all tuff and shit make sure u know with what bitch your fucking with pendeja" i said while pushing her off the Diaz property "this isn't over puta"she yelled I laughed "oh baby I'll be waiting for u" I said making gun fingers at her I turned around to see Oscar and the santos shocked "damm mami that was hot" he said i laughed "remind me never to mess with her" Paco said "come on it wasn't that bad" I said sitting back on Oscars lap "bitch u almost killed that puta" huerita said laughing "she came claiming my man she deserved it" I said I felt Oscar squeeze my hips "ohh so y'all dating" joker said "joker how slow can u be" I said Oscar started laughing I looked at all of them "he asked me out con flores y peluche"i said they all where shocked "spooky asking a girl out with flowers and shit didn't expect that" sad eyes said "first for everything plus mi reina deserves it I mean look at this hot mamacita" he said kissing my neck "alright go get a room" John said an older santo "that's exactly what imma due imma break her shit she won't walk for a week" Oscar said throwing me over his shoulder and walking into the house

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