Part 16- drama drama

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Ana pov
I know I was acting emotionless but tbh I felt nothing anymore I lost both my parents fuck I even lost my brother anyways I fell asleep with Mara in her room I woke up the next morning I did breakfast for the guys I left it their and I took Mara for a run with me we both put on our running cloth and went for a run after like an house we came "fuck Ana where have u been"Oscar asked getting up from the couch "I went with Mara for run chill"I said "chill Ana just cause the prophets are locked up doesn't mean their still isn't danger out their"Oscar said I rolled my eyes and sent Mara to her room I asked Cesar to give her a bath I went into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water "Oscar I know I get it I just went for run jeez I'm not gonna be here stuck all god damm day"I spat back "yea u don't wanna be stuck here because u don't want to cry Ana u have to let it all out at some point"Oscar said rubbing my back I stepped away from his grasp "Noo Oscar because if I do I won't stop don't u get that Oscar I won't fucking stop I'll fall into a huge ass depression and I don't want to be some depressed mother fucker cause you'll end up leaving me"I said angry "mami I won't leave u remember I'm here till I die"he said while hugging me I just hugged him and hummed in response "well imma go shower and u know probably go to my tias house and stay for a bit their I need to stay away from gangs for a bit"I said he kissed my forehead "anything u need mami"he said slapping my butt as I walked by him to go to our room I just gave him the finger lol I got changed and I grabbed Mara and we went to my aunt geny house "hey mija come in"she said hugging me then turning to Mara "Ana your here I haven't seen u in a while"ruby said tackling me into a huge ass hug "hey short cake"I said kissing his forehead "hey I'm a grown man stop it"he said I laughed we hung out and had a fun time Tia gave me food they helped me process my moms death it wasn't easy but they where their for me it was like 12 "well imma head home Tia thanks for everything seriously"I said hugging her she squeezed me "mija im always gonna be here for u"she said I got in my car and went to the Diaz house they had loud music which means they where having a party I took Mara inside told her to go to bed but she couldn't because the music so I told her to stay in her room and I was walking outside to tell them to turn the music down I walked out "hey can u gu-"I was cut off by seeing a girl sitting on Oscar's lap they where making out "umm can u guys turn the music down maras trying to sleep"I said just then oscar heard my voice he pulled away from the girl and looked at me shocked "Ana"he started "don't Oscar im not in the mood"I said walking back inside I went into maras room and locked the door and fell asleep next to her I heard Oscar yelling at the girl but I didn't care (time skip to morning) I woke up and changed tbh I was done with Oscar's cheating he wasn't going to change I packed maras stuff I think it's time I go back home and live in my moms house she left it fully payed plus I have all her money so I'll be alright I grabbed all her stuff and walked out to my car all the santos where sittting outside Oscar saw me putting Mara things inside my car he got up really fast "Ana what are u doing were u going"he asked I looked at him "Oscar I've had the shitest couple of Months and u cheat on me while I go to my aunts n I'm done ok with u and everything"I said he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist "no mami u don't mean that"he said trying to kiss me I pushed him away "your never gonna change Oscar and I'm done I'll bring Mara around to see u because your her father but that it"I said going back into the house to get all my stuff and Mara we walked out "Anastasia u can't leave me I fucking claimed u your fucking mine"Oscar yelled I put Mara in the car "yea well u should've thought that before kissing another puta as of now im a single woman"I said getting in the passenger seat and driving away I got to my moms house I cleaned everything I then saw her room pictures and I broke down Mara came "mami it's ok"she said hugging me I hugged her and we layed down watching tv and eating ice cream "let's go to bed baby"i said we both went into my room and we went to bed (time skip morning) i woke up and woke Mara up so I could take her to see Oscar and then take her to school I ended up sighting her into a school because she needs to go "ready Mara"i asked "yess"she yelled we got in my car and drove to the Diaz house they where all outside and Oscar was with his new hyna damm this bitch didn't waste no time to getting with her I thought I got out and Mara ran to Oscar "papiiii"she yelled "hey princess"he said huggin her "who's this"asked his new bitch "this is my daughter Mara, Mara this is jessi"he said Mara looked at the girl in disgust "yea whatever how are u pops"she said I smirked but looked at away "Mara be nice"Oscar said "why she's nothing to me so I don't need to be nice"she said getting up and going to hug Cesar "Mara hurry up your gonna be late for school"i said as I was leaning on a tree waiting off her "hey Ana"sad eyes said I waved at him "wait ma I'm talking with the fools"she said I laughed "muévete pues fast"i said Oscar looked at me "she's going to school why didn't u tell me I can go with u and drop her off"he said I looked at him "nahh I don't want a santo going to drop my daughter off I want her to at least have a normal school day with out u scaring the teachers and shit"i said he raised an eyebrow "Ana she's my daughter to and u technically a santo to"he said I laughed "yea no I'm not.. Mara vamos"i said "coming ma"she said  huggin joker and sad eyes again "bye fools"she said I giggled to my self "bye big fool"joker said she got in the car I was about to get in "Ana seriously stop being like this let me take her"Oscar said "Oscar no stay with your new gf"I said rolling my eyes and getting in I went and dropped her off I then went to the bodega "hey"I said I was shopping getting a few things for the house "hey pretty lady"i heard someone say I turned around it was Gabriel he was a very close friend I had before my mom loved him he was a very hot dude ngl "omg he Gabriel" I said hugging him we talked "wanna go to my house Mara in school" I said he nodded we got in my car and drove off to my house "Mara is your daughter right the one u had with the leader of the santos"he said "yup but now he has a new girl so I'm trying to move on u know over him my moms death and Carlos"i said he looked down "I'm sorry about them they honestly where great"he said squeezing my hand "yea Ik"i said we got to my house we talked and talked it was then time to get Mara we both went I introduced her to Gabriel she surprisingly liked him we all had a nice time together with out santos shit

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