Part 11- back to Mrs spooky hehe

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Ana pov
"Morning princess" Oscar said beside me so i agreed to date him again "morning osito" I said he just stares at me "what" I asked confused "what did u just call me" he asked I looked at him "osito I mean if don-" he cut me off by kissing me "esta bien mami" he said pulling away then Mara came bursting threw the door "morning fools" she did i bursted out laughing "sorry Mara u shouldn't be talking like that" I said "but ma" she started "Mara listen to your mother" Oscar said in his serious tone "yes sir" Mara said marching out of the room I laughed "she's turning three today" I said Oscar's eyes widen "why didn't u tell me earlier I need buy her sum and we throwing a party" he said I looked at him and got up heading for the bathroom "whatever" I said I did my stuff in the bathroom and then went out to the kitch Mara was with uncle Cesar and sad on the couch I went and picked her up from the couch "feliz cuplé años mi niña" I said kissing her all over the face "thanks ma" she said hugging me "why didn't u tell us it was her birthday today" sad eyes said getting up "we'll be back" he said leaving with Cesar Oscar told them something before they left other santos came I made Mara breakfast with Oscar we sat down to eat like a normal family I felt happy here -few hours later- I was changing with Mara for her birthday party she wanted to dress like Oscar

Ana pov "Morning princess" Oscar said beside me so i agreed to date him again "morning osito" I said he just stares at me "what" I asked confused "what did u just call me" he asked I looked at him "osito I mean if don-" he cut me off by kissing me...

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This was Mara fit cute or whatever

This u fit u also u have tattoos smexy LMAOO "We're ready" I asked Mara she nodded "ok let's go then fool" I said she started laughing we walked out everyone looked at us "damm ana damm Mara we see u fools" joker said making Mara giggle "I'm like ...

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This u fit u also u have tattoos smexy LMAOO
"We're ready" I asked Mara she nodded "ok let's go then fool" I said she started laughing we walked out everyone looked at us "damm ana damm Mara we see u fools" joker said making Mara giggle "I'm like daddy" she said Oscar looked at us and laughed at maras fit then came and picked her up "feliz cumpleaños mija u look cute" he said Mara giggle and kissed his cheek he put her down and looked at me up and down "damm mamasita u keep getting hotter each day gonna make me put another baby in u" he said wrapping his hands around my waist I laughed at his comment "thanks papi u don't look to bad yourself" I said giving him a kiss "alright lovey ppl Mara wants to break the piñata" Paco said to excited "u sure it's Mara fool" Oscar asked I laughed "piñata time" I yelled all the little kids came running Mara got her first turn then all the kids went "my turn" Paco yelled grabbing the stick he ended up beating the hell out of the piñata but kids where excited getting candy and stuff "Mara time for the cake mami" I said she came running "finally fool u took long" she said "mhmm" I said she sat down in front of the cake we all started singing "feliz cumpleaños at ti feliz cumpleaños mara" we all sang she then blew the candles out "yayayaya" I said "who wants cake" I yelled "me" many kids yelled "amor come cut the cake" I said to Oscar "coming ma" he said then came in front and started giving out pieces I just looked at him he's father ray was back when I left to New York he came back so he was their "u know u changed him right" ray said I looked at him "what do u mean" I asked "Oscar was never this nice tbh he is not nice but he does it for u and Mara he loves u and u can tell" ray said I looked at Oscar he was laughing it was true he was never this happy I smiled at ray and gave him a hug "glad your back" I said "likewise" he said walking to some older santos "glad your back mrs spooky" some santos said "thanks guys it's good to be back" I said sitting on Oscar's lap "when did they call me mrs spooky" I whispered "they always did ma they know your the woman imma marry one day" he said that statement made me wanna cry I kissed him "I love u Oscar" I said "I love u to mami" he said squeezing my hips he then got up and threw me over he's shoulder "what are you doing" I asked "birthday sex babe imma putting another baby in u" he said walking towards the house he turned around "Cesar sad eyes take care of Mara and keep a look out" he said they nodded Mara was opening gifts with my mom and ruby and ruby's friends  we went inside our room he threw me on the bed "that outfit u have on damm mamasita shut turned me on" he said taking his shirt off I started laughing he then started kissing me down my neck leaving purple marks on my neck he then took my cloth off (and yea u know what happened they got steamy ;)) we both separated breathing heaving "wow" I said he pulled me close to him "u never disappoint" he told me while kissing my forehead I started putting on shorts then my bra and I threw on one of Oscar's big ass shirts "imma go check on Mara" I said going out Oscar was changing I went out almost everyone left only some santos where left I didn't see Mara "guys where's Mara" I said they all got up they where high some where drunk "uhhh she was just here" Cesar said "what wrong" Oscar said coming behind me hugging me I took his arms off of me "maras not here Oscar these asshole weren't watching her" I said starting to tear up "seriously Cesar I-if this is a joke s-stop now where's Mara" I said almost crying "CESAR WHERE TF IS MY DAUGHTER" Oscar yelled grabbing Cesar from the collar of his shirt "what's all the yelling" Mara said coming from inside the house I ran to her "Mara where the fuck were u omg" I said hugging her "in my room these men where dancing with women it's disgusting I was playing with my new toys" she said I sighed "oh thank god" I said Oscar came and picked her up "baby don't do that always tell someone where u are going you almost gave yo momma a heart attack" Oscar said kissing her cheek both of them started laughing "not funny" I said crying while walking in the house Oscar came with Mara they both hugged me "m-Mara please don't do that I thought someone took u" I said hugging them both "sorry ma but I'm right here I love u both thank you for the best birthday" she said "u deserve it mama" me and Oscar said giving her a kiss on the cheek while taking her to her room to put her to bed

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