Part 14-that one prophet we forgot about:/

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Mentions of abuse,rape⚠️
Ana pov
I was heading to the place the guy on the phone told me I got out of my car "hello" I said walking in I then heard crying I knew that was Mara I walked toward the crying and their I saw Mara with Demarcus he was latrelles brother "hey their ma" he said I looked him "Marcus give me my daughter don't hurt her please" I said he laughed "u see that's funny because if I recall y guys killed my baby brother it's only fair if I take what spooky love the most" he said placing and gun on his thigh "Marcus please leave Mara out of this she had nothing to do with what happened to your brother matter a fact I'm the one that told the santos that if they wanted to kill him so it be so kill me but leave Mara out of this"I said tearing up he came up to me "ma i don't want to kill u I want to hurt spooky" he said touching my cheek "right if u wanna hurt him kill me he loved me"I said he grabbed me by the hair and tossed me across the room I busted my lip "that's not gonna be good I might as well kill both of y'all" he said pulleying out a gun "do it then kill me first asshole"I said "nahh imma have sum fun with u" he said smirking he came over and took my shirt off "no no stop Marcus" I said trying to get him off of my me he was not top of me "spooky has come good taste u know if I was him I'd wife u up to" he said he started kissing my neck "stop stop Marcus please" I said crying he ignored me "mommy" Mara called "Mara don't look baby go to sleep I'll be fine" I said crying slightly so she doesn't hear /time skip/ after Marcus basically go raped the shit out of me I was left with bruises I was putting my cloth on I was crying Mara cam up to me "mommy what's wrong" she said while wiping my tears away "nothing baby don't worry" I said Marcus came in and he took Mara he then slapped me probably gonna leave a mark on my cheekbone I then started hitting him back Mara came back out "leave my ma alone ugly bastard" she said he went up to her "Mara no" I said just then Marcus slapped her that really pissed me off I got up and took my gun out "don't touch my fucking daughter u asshole" I yelled at him he then pulled his gun out "your move baby"he said "Mara corre para afuera ahora ya vengo yo"I said she then ran off Marcus tried to go after her but I shot him in the leg "ahhh u bitch he yelled he then shot me in leg "sorry about your bother truly say hi for me"I said I then shot him three time killing him I quickly ran outside I saw it was daytime damm I've been here a day I thought "Mara let's go mami let's go home to daddy" I said getting her in the car I quickly drove to the Diaz house I saw that everyone was their even my mom aunt everyone was outside Oscar had red puffy eyes like he been crying my leg was throbbing from the bullet I lost a ton of blood they all saw my car and got up quickly I stumbled out with Mara "take her" I said my mom quickly got her and took her inside "ahhh motherfucker" I said as I fell to the ground all the santos where starring at me seeing me all beat up I started crying Oscar came towards me and tried to hug me but I pushed his hands away "don't don't touch me pls" I said crying he then saw my leg "Ana baby u need to go to the hospital"he said "no I can cure my self just get me the first aid kit" I said Paco ran inside and came back with it I cleaned my wound "shit" I mumbled the bullet wasn't inside of me which mean it only grazed me I started stiching my self "Ana what happened" Oscar asked I looked at him "noth-" Ana don't fucking lie to me tell me" he cut me off "well u wanna know what happened that asshole of Marcus fucking raped and he beat me up happy"I said getting up all the santos where shocked "Marcus as in latrelles brother"sad eyes asked "yes as in latrelles brother" I said they all got their guns in place and where heading towards the cars "where are u going Oscar" I asked he turned back "to kill that puto no one touched my princess" he said "I'll already killed him" I said looking down all the santos turned around oscar came up to me and put a hand on my cheek "what do u mean u already killed him"he asked "well that puto had the audacity to put a hand on Mara so rage filled me and I shot him four times" I said oscar was surprised but a smile found a way to his lips "that's my girl" he said he then hugged me and I got tense he was about to pull away "no don't I need u right now" I said he nodded "sad eyes watch over imma take her inside ok" he said sad eyes nodded we went inside he helped me shower I then put on sweatpants and one of his shirts I looked at him he was laying down on the bed looked like he was crying "papi u good" I asked he turned and looked at me "I wasn't their to protect u I mean mira Que te iso ese puto"he said I went over and got on top of him "osito it's not your fault baby ok so stop that"I said kissing him "mamasita it's true I shouldn't have let u go out" he said "Oscar I'm serious stop it I wasn't gonna let u go with me that's probably what he wanted to kill all the santos and I can't let my family die"I said he's hands where on my hips he pulled me down for a kiss "your honestly the best mami" he said I just kissed him again "yea I know" I said getting up and going out of the room to maras she was laying with her stuff animal on the bed "hey Mara how are u doing" I asked she looked at me and patted a part of her bed I went and sat down "mom I'm scared I don't want to be alone what if I close my eyes and he comes back" she said it broke my heart hearing her say this "mami nothing going to happen to you daddy and me are right across your room uncle Cesar is next door and all the santos are around the house no one will hurt u Mara" I said kissing her cheek "she's right little one no one's going to hurt u again" sad eyes said I turned to the door and joker and Paco and sad eyes and a couple other santos where at her door "well that calls for a family hug come here guys" I said I opened my arms Mara was the first to hug me then the guys came over and we did a family hug after the hug the guys looked at me "spooky told us what u did for us"John the older santo said I just smiled "it was nothing you guys are my familia I wasn't going to lead y'all threw a death trap i love u guys"I said they all hugged me again "we all love u to Ana"joker said "awww big bad santos getting emotional" I said joking around "now we hate u again" sad eyes said "hahah u wish u could hate y'all love me to much" I said turning to leave maras room "mom can tio sad and joker sleep with me"she asked "baby they got they hyans to go keep warm the-"joker and sad eyes cut me off "no we can stay with her" they said getting into Maras bed she giggle and layed down I left and went to my room and got in bed with Oscar "wait I need to go make sure Mara safe"he said getting up I pushed him back down "joker y sad eyes are sleeping with her"I said he liked at me confused "they are saying with her in her bed"he said I giggled "yea she wanted them two specifically" I said "mmm" he said I put my head on his chest he wrapped his arms around me "night chula hermosa" he said kissing my forehead "night osito" I said and we both drifted to sleep I felt safe again im my manz arms who I loved to death.

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