Part 3-clamied

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Ana pov
I woke up with my head pounding I then got up took a shower and changed into some Jean shorts and a black shirt with a flannel and my black shoes when I heard a knock them they started banging "what the fuck" I said opening the door to see ruby "u got claimed by spooky u had sex with him Ana omg" ruby said I looked at me surprised "what do u mean I didn't have sex with no one Mano" I said "then why is the word on the street that spooky claimed u like yours his" he said i got pissed "oh hell no he didn't" i said walking out "where are u going" ruby asked walking behind me "to talk to that asshole and get my car" i said walking fast "I'm coming" he said "i don't care" i yelled walking even faster I saw the house and their where santos outside and their I saw that asshole "hey ma here are your keys" Oscar said tossing me the keys which I caught I went up to him and pushed him "listen to me spooky u don't get to claim me like I'm some freakin property of yours alright I'm not yours" I said "yes you are your my hyna mami y todos lo tiene que saber" he said I laughed "that's funny I already told U I'm not yours so U either tell everyone it was a lie or u get kicked in the crotch like that prophet" I said walking away the other santos quickly covered their crotch he then came and pinned me to my car "u think your gonna threaten me and walk away nahh mami"he said he face so close to me he then leaned into my ear "eres mi hyna te gusta oh no/your my girl like it or not"he said placing a kiss on my neck that sent shivers down my spine "r-ruby l-let's go" I stuttered Oscar just winked at me I drove off -time skip- I was walking to the bodega "hey Ethan" I said walking in he was the owner "hey Ana" he said i then grabbed a couple snack i was going to rubys to watch a movie with all of them and hang out "bye Ethan" i said he waved I walked out and started walking when the one and only red impala pulled up next to me "hey mami get in" spooky said "nope I'm fine leave" i said he stopped the car "Ana get in" he said I ignored him and continued walking he pulled up again and stopped "Anastasia get the fuck in the fucking car before i get out and shove u in this car!!"he yelled i looked at him and rolled my eyes while going into the passenger seat "where u going to" he asked I ignored him "hey alright I get it your mad because i claimed u but when I like something and want it I get it"he said putting a hand on my thigh "just drop me off at rubys"I said coldly while taking his hand off only for him to putting it back in gripping on to my thigh "how the fuck am I claimed by you but u got cholas dancing all up on u"i said he laughed "damm ma we not dating and you already jealous" he's said "I'm not just asking" I said then we got to rubys i was getting out when he pulled me back and literally kissed me I kissed back but then I realized and pulled away "don't ever kiss me again" I said walking away and into ruby house "hey cuz u good u look pale asf" ruby said "yea he right" monse said "y-yea I'm fine" I said setting down the snacks we where hanging out when my Tia came in with a girl I then released it was my cousin Olivia "guys meet Olivia ruby's cousin she going to me staying with me for a while" Tia said "hey and my cousin" I said going to up to Olivia and hugging her "hey oliv good to see u again" I said "likewise Ana" she said ruby was drooling over her she wasn't technically our cousin "ruby snap out of it"Jamal said "r-Ruben my names Ruben" he said I rolled my eyes "well imma head out by Tia bye oliv bye guys" I said heading towards the door "be safe mija" my Tia said I nodded and started walking out when leterlle pulled up next to me putting a hand on my waist "hey ma" he said I didn't feel like fight him "look I'm done fighting between santos and prophets just please leave me alone" I said not caring about his hand on my worst "hey ma I'm not doing nothing just making sure u get home safe even tho spooky supposed to be doing that right" he said i knew he meant about spooky claiming  me "well thanks for the protection sir" i said smiling he just laughed i forgot we had to pass the santos house i saw them outside "shit" i mumbled leterlle hand was still around my waist santos saw and pulled out their gun "get your hand off of her" spooky said point his gun at leterlle "hey hey stop put it  down he's not hurting me" i said "Ana get away from him" sad eyes said "leterlle go I'll be alright" i said turning to him giving him a smile "alright ma call me if u need anything" he said "thanks" i said he walked away i turned to Oscar "what the fuck is your problem he was just making sure I got home safe" i said Oscar came up to me "oh yea making sure your safe with his hand around your waist that dude just wants to fuck u" he yelled in my face "the same thing u wanna fucking do asshole so shut up and leave me the fuck alone" I yelled walking away "ANA get back here and get in the dam car" he yelled "fuck u spooky I can walk I'm not your little pet stop telling me what to do"i yelled walking towards my house i arrived
Oscar pov
"Damm she's one feisty one" joker said I looked at him "yea she is but I'm gonna make her mine either way" i said  "trust me that girl is sum else en la cama" sad eyes said I turned around and stood up "what did u just say" I said getting mad "hey hey chill Homie the truth is before Anastasia left for New York we where kinda hookups" sad eyes said my eyes widen "what the fuck u had sex with her" I said "yea we were both horny teens so we where hookups but neither of us caught feels now I'm with huerita" sad eyes said I'm definitely going to talk to her tomorrow I thought

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