Part 4 -jealous

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Ana pov
i woke up did my morning thing I helped my mom cook and clean it was around 2pm when I went out to the park with my little brother he is 10 he's name is Carlos "be careful Carlos ok" I said he nodded and ran to his friends "hey ma" leterlle said "hey leterlle" I said "what y doing here that yo kid" he asked I laughed "no he's my brother" I said then spooky arrived "get the fuck away from my girl" he yelled at leterlle , did he just say my girl that was hot nvm "alright I'll bounce take care mama" he said "bye leterlle" I said Oscar was grabbing his gun I reached for his hand "stop their are kids here Oscar jeez" I said and backed away "when the fuck where u gonna tell me u slept with sad eyes" he said my eyes widen "let me guess he told u" I said rolling my eyes "yes he did that's doesn't matter u didn't answer my question" he said "and why did I have to tell u" I said crossing my arms over my chest "cause your my hyna" he said looking away "ahhh your jealous that I had sex with sad before u got the chance to fuck me uh" I said he looked at me then came up to me and pulled me by the waist and kissed me roughly but still gently I kissed back "your... mine ok"'he said in between kissed I just looked at him then Carlos came "ouuuunim telling mami u have a bf" he said "no no Carlos he's not my bf" I said "shes lying I'm her man.. sup lil homie I'm Oscar" he said ruffling Carlos hair he was so cute "I'm Carlos" my brother said "alright go play or u wanna leave now" I said he quickly ran back to his friends "stop saying your my bf because your not" I said looking at him he came up to me again and put his hands on my hips "come on Anastasia we both know u still have a crush on me and it eats u alive when u see other girls dancing up on me" he said he was right i did have a crush on him when I was younger "n-no I don't I don't care what u do" I said pulling away and watching Carlos he came up and hugged me from behind "you sure you don't get jealous" he asked kissing my neck "yes I'm sure now get out of here" I said pushing him off of me he then slapped my ass "see u around chula" he said walking away before I had a chance to react to him slapping my ass -time skip- "Ana you came" ruby said "duhh what's so important u bothered my nap" I said "well we wanted to invite u to come hang with us for Halloween"he said "ouuu I'm in" I said we where talking about Halloween and planning the day when my phone then started ringing "what's up Cesar" I said walking away from the table "Ana u have a medical experience right" he stuttered out "not a lot but yea why what's wrong" I said "I need u to come to my house now please" he said and hung up I got my stuff "I gotta bounce let's talk later"I said walking out and into my car driving to the Diaz house I opened the door and saw sad eyes and Oscar hurt and then joker was laying on the kitchen counter bleeding and screaming "what the fuck happened" I said dropping my keys on the little table by the couch "prophets happened" sad eyes said "u went to New York and took medical school right help joker we can't take him to a hospital" santi said "yes yes I did but dude this is surgery we are talking about" I said "please Ana he's my brother" Pablo said crying "alright get me tweezers first aid kit and alcohol" I said they quickly ran Cesar brought me the first aid kit and the tweezers Pablo brought me a corona "no dude I need somthing with more alcohol whiskey"I said he ran and came back with a bottle of whiskey "alright drink this joker" I said giving him a pill so I doesn't feel to much pain "Pablo get out" I said he didn't want to leave but Cesar left with him "hold him down tijeras y tu Paco" i said they grabbed him and held him down I threw the tweezers in some whiskey to defect them and put on gloves and then I poured some whiskey on his wound causing him to yell so loud I got scared "shit shit" I said panicking "hey hey mami calm down breath breath" Oscar said I breathed in and out and put the tweezers in and good thing the bullet didn't tear tissue it was right their so I grabbed it and threw it in a cup that had whiskey "alright it's out joker" I said he was still screaming I grabbed some needle and thread and started sowing him shit while he was yelling "IM DONE" I yelled "ahhhh it's burns and it hurts please make it stop" joker cried um um weed yes weed "weed give him a joint now" I said Paco quickly lit one up and gave it to joker to pull a blow he calmed down fast "wow" i said Pablo can in and hugged me "thank you so much" he said "no problem" I said then I turned to sad eyes huerita came and took care up him I turned to Oscar he was trying to sew himself on the couch "here let me help"I said grabbing the needle and sitting on his lap he looked shocked but just ended up smirking he put his hands on my hips I didn't really mind I sewed him and clean the cut "their we go all set" I said getting up only to be pulled back down my Oscar he kissed my cheek "gracias mami/thanks" he said I just nodded "hey u ok tho u just had to do freakin surgery" he asked "umm yea yea I'm fine it was overwhelming but Im good dude"I said he looked at me his expression changed "don't call me that" he said "what" I asked "dude don't call me dude call me papi or daddy or mi amor" he said I started laughing "we aren't dating dude" i said getting up he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder "i just said don't call me that mujer" he said slapping my ass "omg oscar put me down"i yelled hitting his back he enters his room and threw me on the bed he looked at me and climbed on top of me kissing my neck leaving hickeys "Fuck it let go" i said taking off his shirt he smiled and took off my shirt and yes u know what happened after ;)

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