Part 13- cuchillos fool

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Ana pov
I was at the Diaz my home where I lived with my man my daughter and all the santos I love them like family I was waiting for Cesar to get home he said he wanted to talk to me about something "where Cesar"I asked Oscar going to outside here he was with Mara and the santos "i don't know screwing with monse" he said I rolled my eyes and start pacing up and down Cesar was never late and if he was he would always text me I grabbed my phone and called ruby no answer called Jamal no answer called monse no answer called Cesar again no answer I then decided to call my Tia geny "hey mija Que paso"she asked "hola Tia no avisto a ruby" I asked "umm no he hasn't come from school he probably went to the bodega or sum"she said "oh okay gracias"I said "is something wrong mija"my mom asked I'm guess she was with my aunt "no ma I gotta go bye love u both take care"I said hanging up "Anastasia would u stop pacing up and down your stressing me out"sad eyes said "ohh my bad puto" I said I went inside and came back with my gun that Oscar got me it was white and had some dark pink I put on a hood "where the fuck are u going"Oscar asked me coving maras ears "it seems like im the im the only one worried for Cesar so im going to look for him"I said "Ana he's fine he probably fucking somewhere" Oscar said kissing Mara "no Oscar he's not somethings wrong Cesar alway send me a text or calls me and as a mother I know something wrong so I'm going stay here with Mara please" I said he looked at me and nodded "be careful porfa" he said I shook my head and started walking I went to the school but they told me that they left once the bell rung I was getting very worried that when some 19th street pulled up on me "hey ma Que haces en nuestro lado"one said "nada perdón estoy buscando a alguien"I said walking faster "mhmm tell spooky we got y'all on the look out"he said and drove off that when this drunken tried to touch me I punched him but he ended up throwing a beer bottle at my head ouch I thought as I felt blood stream down my forehead I then knocked him out that's when my phone started ringing "what Oscar" I said "Cesar here" he said I hung up and ran literally ran all the way home I saw him outside with Jamal I ran over to Cesar and hugged him "ohh thank god your ok what the hell happened where were u why the fuck didn't u call me puto"I said "damm she doesn't even worry about me that much" Oscar said "come on dude it's her mama bear side" joker said "well we got kidnapped by cuchillos the boss boss of the santos and she said we found roller world so then she started saying that lil Ricky is alive and we are gonna find him" Jamal start rambling "damm" Oscar said that when Cesar looked at me "Ana what happened to your head"he said touching the blood I totally forgot about that Oscar came up to me "Que te paso who am I gonna kill"he said getting Angry "no one I took care of it btw the 19th street said that they watching u or more like us"I said he got even more mad "swear to god if they touched u it's fucking Guerra putos" he yelled "no no this was a drunkie"I said gesturing to my head "well me and cuchillos are dealing with the 19th street but I'll talk to her tomorrow about her little stunt with Cesar" he said I nodded and gave him a kiss "mom your back" Mara said coming from inside "hey chula" I said going up to her and picking her up kissing her cheek I took Mara over to my tias house I hung out with them and ruby making sure he was okay I then got in my car and started driving home when some black cars surrounded me "what the fuck" I said as they opened  my car door and took Mara out "hey hey fool what the fuck are doing give me my daughter" I said going towards him but someone pulled a gun at me "mami mami tengo miedo ayúdame" are the last worlds I heard from my baby after shoved her in the car with them I ran to my car and drove home fast all the santos where outside I was crying "Oscar Oscar" I yelled he got up "hey mami what's wrong" he asked coming up to me I was hyperventilating "Oscar someone took my baby Oscar they took Mara" I said crying all the santos stood up Oscar heart probably stunk because he wasn't saying anything "spooky u tell us what to do homie"sad eyes said I couldn't stop crying "I want my baby they just took her god all I heard was her crying" I said falling to the ground wrapping my arms around my knees "mami we are gonna find her"Oscar said coming back to sense he then went and called my entire family I was to stunned to talk minutes later monse and Cesar pulled up "Ana oh god please tell me your joking and she's inside" Cesar said I looked at him "Cesar im not fucking joking dude why would I joke about that" I said crying again then my aunt and mom pulled up with ruby my mom quickly came to me and hugged me "mija it's ok they are gonna find her" she said hugging me just then some 19th street people pulled up "sup spooky heard yo daughter missing" he said with a smirk I got up and went up to him pulling my gun out "Mira puto si la tienes me la regresas if u don't want me to cut everyone body part piece by piece and feed u to the stray dogs"I said with a stern voice the teenage gangster suddenly looked scared "we don't have her"he said "then how the fuck do U know because no one knows I said then I got a phone call unknown number "hello" I said walking away a bit "hey their look I got yo daughter I don't want u to say anything specially not to the santos I want u to meet me at an abounded house near the park remember don't say a word or this pretty sweet girl I have will die"the dude on the other phone said "who are u" I asked quitly he hung up "puto" I whispered to my self I turned around and saw the 19th left I went inside everyone looked at me confused but I didn't care I went into my room

Ana pov I was at the Diaz my home where I lived with my man my daughter and all the santos I love them like family I was waiting for Cesar to get home he said he wanted to talk to me about something "where Cesar"I asked Oscar going to outside here...

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This was the fit u put on with a flannel on top and one gun on your waist band of the pants and another little one on your ankle inside your boot
I went back outside Oscar looked at me like I was crazy "donde vas Ana" he asked grabbing my wrist "Oscar let me go" I said pulling away "no where are u going it's safe for U here" he said I yanked my arm away "he's right mija your not in the right mind state stay here we'll call the police to help"my mom said I laughed and looked at her "really and what are the gonna do mom they won't want to help Oscar the leader of the santos that people fear" I said raising my voice "I'll be back if I don't come back keep leaving life"I said walking to my car "what the fuck y mean don't come back who the fuck was the on the phone five minutes ago"Oscar asked "nobody but I gotta go I love u Oscar don't forget that osito" I said blowing him a kiss and getting in my car speeding off

A/n: ouuuuu who took Mara who y'all think has the balls to kidnap Mara Diaz fool

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