Part 5-Halloween

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Ana pov
I woke up the next morning with strong arms wrapped around my waist I opened my eyes to see Oscar looking at me "OMG" I shout rolling over and covering my self "did we seriously have sex" I asked turning around to face him "yup and it was awesome I get why sad eyes said u where different in bed" he said "I told my self I woul- wait sad eyes talked about my sex" I asked he nodded "he said you where something else en la cama" he said mocking sad eyes I laughed and got up putting one of Oscars big ass shirt On and went to the bathroom put on my bra and Jean shorts but kept Oscars shirt ok I came out "Oscar levanta ya" I said he groaned but got up he looked at me up and down "woah my shirt looks hot on you" he said kissing my cheek I pushed him off and went out to the living room sad eyes and Cesar Paco and joker where watching tv they saw me come out "ahhhhh mira quien es/look who it is" sad eyes said smirking then I saw huerita "hey bitch" she said hugging me "sup hoe" I said the boys looked at us weird "y'all woman weird" joker said but he got up and came and hugged me "thank you for not letting me die yesterday I owe u big time" he said I hugged him "it's no biggie" I said "hey hands off my female" Oscars grumpy hot morning voice said behind me "chill homie I don't want her no offense Ana" he said "none taken" I said Oscar wrapped his hands around my waist "hey tranquilo tiger we anit dating" I said taking his hands off of me he raised an eyebrow "girl you know you my woman" he said trying to come towards me again "nope nope just cause we had sex doesn't mean anything" I said "I claimed u" he raised his voice "Oscar I'm not an object u claim asshole" I said grabbing my stuff "u still got my shirt on tho" he said I took it off exposing my black laced bra "Anastasia what the fuck" he said coming over to cover me he put his shirt on me again "keep it looks good on u anyways" he said I just smiled "well I better get home my mom must be worried asf" I said walking away "wait where the fuck do u think your going" Oscar said "home where else dumbass" I said opening the door "alright come on I'll go drop u off" he said "Oscar my cars right outside thanks for the offer" I said "I wasn't offering so come on and let's get in the damm car sad or joker can go leave your car" he said I looked at him not like I had a choice "bye hotties" I said waving at the guys "by mamas" joker said earning a glare from big bad spooky we got in the car and started driving "Oscar are we gonna date or are u just gonna lead me on" I asked he looked at me "you know I don't like relationships" he said as we arrived at my house "well then technically I'm single so when u think your ready for one and not just want sex with me then come talk to me puto" i said walking towards my house "mija where were u I was worried Anastasia" she said I hugged her "mami estoy bien i just helped the santos with sum and fell asleep their" I said "mhm just helped or helped one santo" she said motioning to the shirt I was wearing I laughed and walked to my room "BOTH" I yelled earning a laugh from my mom I was getting ready for Halloween since I was going with the guys to Brentwood since Jamal would stop about going their but afterwards I'm going with huerita to the santos party
Anastasia Marcos11

Ana pov I woke up the next morning with strong  arms wrapped around my waist I opened my eyes to see Oscar looking at me "OMG" I shout rolling over and covering my self "did we seriously have sex" I asked turning around to face him "yup and it was...

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Anastasia: me and hueritas Halloween costumes @huerita1
Huerita: you look sexy in black
Replied:stopp u look hot in white
Ruby:get your ass to my house now
Replied: ya voy
Oscar Diaz:damm I think imma have to wife u up this vatos te me van a llevar
Replied:funny mr I don't want a relationship
(P.S Maddison beer plays Anastasia)
I walked to ruby's house I got their "damm ana u look hot" monse said "thanks bebe" I said hugging her soon we all I to abuelitas car she dropped us off a Brentwood we alll split up me Cesar ruby and Olivia went together Jamal and monse I have no ideas where they went "we should crash that party" Olivia said pointing to a house "yesss!" I said ruby said no him and Cesar had a talk "let's go crash that party" ruby said we all cheered and made our way inside wee where hanging out when this white voy dressed as a cholo came up to me "hey mama tryna show me how much of a devil u can be up in my room" he said looking at my costume "uhh no thanks" I said he then put a hand on my waist "hey man don't touch her like that" Cesar said pushing me behind him then oliva came back from finding the bathroom "hey that's my moms Juice she knows how many bottle she has" the white boy yelled "sorry I was thirsty" Olivia said "there are big coolers full of juice what's your problem" he said yelling "dude calm down it's just a juice" I said "do people just go and open your fridge at your house" he said "yess!" We all said in unison "what is wrong with you people"he said "you people" me and Olivia said getting in his face "says a boy dressed as a cholo"Olivia said "what do u think u gonna do why don't u little devil come and suck my dick upstairs" he said touching my cheek I slapped him "disgusting pervert" I said he said grabbed my arm very hard and I saw Cesar get on the phone "u better control your bitch" the white boy to Cesar still holding my arm "she's not mine but if I where u I would let her go now" Cesar said soon we where running because they where throwing eggs I managed not to get hit with one soon Cesar got a text so we where going back to the white boy and he saw us "oh u think your hard come back for more" he said "I'm not but he is" Cesar said soon I heard the loud rap music and Oscar came out of the car and into the white Boys face and licked his finger and wiped the dude tear off then touched his "this shits real" he said "s-sorry take what ever u want" he said soon Cesar and ruby came back with bags of candy and more juice then Oscar grabbed my hand and saw the mark the white dude left I put a hand on his chest "Oscar let's go it's not worth it" I said looking into his eyes he nodded "you got lucky gringo" he said walking back to the car -time skip- me oscar and Cesar arrived at the cholo party that was going on I saw huerita she came running to me "wassup fool" I said "sup bitch" she said hugging me "wow Mira la Angel y la diabla" joker said everyone turned to look at me and huerita and some even whistled "hey eyes back to what u where doing" Oscar said everyone quickly got back to their thing me and burrita where dancing when sad eyes came and took her from me I then looked over and saw this chola grinning on Oscar his hands in her hips I kinda felt hurt I quickly walked towards the exit "hey hey Ana u good" Paco asked "yea Paco I'm fine just tired I'm going home bye" I said walking away need me to walk u" he asked "no I'm fine" I yelled and started walking home
Oscar pov
I haven't seen Anastasia in a while I went up to a group of santos which was joker sad eyes and Paco "hey guys what happened to Anastasia" I asked Paco looked at me "well she saw u ocupado with Roxy she quickly left" Paco said I looked at him wide eyes "and you fucking let her walk out by her self their are prophets out their Paco" i yelled "well I asked her she said she was gonna be fine and she left she looked sad"Paco said shit she probably saw how Roxy was grinning on me "man why would u leave her for Roxy she is 100x way better man she obviously was hurt u had sex with her yesterday" joker said "Oscar u better not be playing with Ana feelings because I know u my homie but I love that girl (in a friendly way) and I'll beat u up if u hurt her" sad eyes told me I rolled my eyes then Roxy came "hey bay your alright or do U need a masaje" she said I took her hands off me "no Roxy leave go find another dude" I said pissed off I liked Anastasia even tho I didn't wanna show it because hey I'm spooky not sum cringey ass dude

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