Part 15-oscar i want a real family-

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Ana pov
It's been about a week since what happened with Marcus they ended up finding his body "damm chula u scared all the santos with what u did to Marcus"oscar said coming behind me and hugging I giggled "foods ready tell the guys"I said kissing his cheek "they men they can cook they own food" he said I turned and looked at him "oscar stop it and go"I said "GUYS FOODS READY"he yelled from inside not breaking eye contact with me I smirked "love u"I mumbled he hummed in response everyone that was at the house came and ate I got a phone call it was my mom "hey mom"I said walking into the kitchen again "hey mija long time no talk ehh"she said "Ik mom I'm sorry I just haven't been at my best"I said she hummed in response "alright we'll I was just checking to see how u where doing I see your good so bye"she said "mom seriously u gonna act like that"I said "Anastasia u chose santos over your own blood they almost cost you your life and maras think Ana they are not good for u"she yelled "mom don't talk about them like that u know u loved a santo once my dad was one to so don't go fucking insulting my family because you where involved to"I slightly said raising my voice I heard all the santos stop eating I know they where listening "yea it was a mistake to get involved"she yelled "oh really so technically I'm now a mistake huh and so is Carlos"I said "no Mara Carlos wasn't your dads kid his dad is alive and he's a businessman he's actually coming here tomorrow"she said I couldn't believe her "ohh really so u gonna pull that out now seriously mujer when the fuck where u gonna tell me huh so u cheated on my dad cause he was still alive when Carlos was born and he was so excited he got a boy but he didn't even get a chance to know the truth"I yelled at her "Mara I didn't want u to find out this way mija" she said trying to calm me down "don't fucking mija me you don't love me mom just fucking admit just like u said getting involved with a santos was a mistake so I'm a mistake say it mom" I said "n-no it's not true your my daughter I love u"she said "cut the bullshit Janet fucking say it"I said raising my voice and calling her by her first name I saw Cesar take Mara to her room "SAY IT"I yelled "FINE YOU WERE A MISTAKE I WANTED TO ABORT U BUT U DAD DIDNT" she yelled she then gasped at what she said "Ana Ana it's not like that I'm sorry" she said I sniffled "nahh Janet that's the problem your not sorry it's cool hope u have a nice life with Carlos and your new man keep thinking I'm a mistake just think that I died with dad to"I said hanging up I was beyond mad angry she cheated on my dad I walked out of the kitchen all the santos where starring at me "fuck y'all looking at huh yea I was a mistake tf"I said wiping my eyes "Ana baby sit down eat" oscar said "no Oscar I don't want to my dad died from this gang shit maybe my mom is right santos are no good gangs aren't good I just want a real family oscar with u and Mara and our own house no gang shit I wanna leave freeridge"I said he looked taken back "Ana santos are my family I can't just leave them"he said I mean I understood but I want my family I walked over to the entrance putting my shoes on "watch Mara I'll be back" I said he got up "Anastasia donde vas" he asked "somewhere  I can blow off steam oscar I'm dying inside don't u understand my daughter and I nearly died last week oscar last fucking week my mom said I'm a mistake she fucking cheated on my dad before the man even died I'm fucking pissed I feel like I'm fucking dying my life is just falling apart"I said crying he looked at me "baby it's ok let it all out"he said I was crying ver hard "i I just wished I would've died the day latrelle shot me I wouldn't be feeling this pain I'm feeling" I said "Ana u don't mean that"he said looking me just then my phone rang "what"I said putting the phone to my ear it was ruby "Ana umm Ana your mom and Carlos passed away in a car accident I'm so so sorry Anastasia" ruby said crying "it it's fine" I said I hung up I then started laughing so hard they all looked confused "who was Ana"joker asked "ruby my mom and Carlos are are dead they crashed"I said laughing non stop oscar looked at me and came up to me and hugged me "mami it's ok"he said rubbing my back I couldn't stop laughing I then calmed down and I started crying "OMG they died oh lord my my mom is actually dead"I said I got up "I need to go to the hospital" I said "I'll take her watching Mara and the house"oscar said sad eyes nodded -time skip- I went inside the hospital I gave them my moms name they took me to a room and their I saw a guy "hi u must be Ana I'm tony your moms boyfriend I'm so sorry" he said trying to hug "don't fucking touch me"I said backing away he then saw spooky and quickly backed away mumbling a sorry I saw my mom and Carlos "mama I'm sorry I yelled at I'm sorry"I said hugging her dead body I went over to Carlos "Mano I'm sorry I wasn't their for u I was a shitty sister"I said crying I got up and wiped all my tears away I breathed in and out and closed my eyes for a minute I looked at tony "you can do whatever u want with the bodies have a good one" I said walking out the door "Ana that's it's you not gonna have a funeral or sum"oscar asked I looked at him sternly "nahh tony can take care of it let's go baby"I said linking arms with him we soon arrived home "mommy your back" Mara yelled getting off of rubys lap he looked at me sadness "hey bay let's go play huh"I said picking her up walking to her "how is it"ruby asked "man she lost like totally she said her moms bf can do whatever he wants with the bodies" oscar said "and she wouldn't stop aligning after your phone call"joker said "man I knew this shit would happen again"ruby said they all looked at him "what do u mean again"oscar asked "after her dad died she when through this phase here it's literally like she had no humanity in her nothing phased her" ruby said Oscar shock his head "I should've never fell I love with her"oscar said ruby stood up walking toward the front door before going out he turned around "don't leave her right now is here she mostly needs u Oscar"ruby said Oscar nodded

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