Part 19

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Me and sad have been having a lot of sex we both got cheated on so we where calling it cheating break up sex lmao stupid but it's whatever I haven't talked to Oscar I'm like a week my phone started ringing "hey Cesar what's up"I said into the phone sad eyes looked at me but shrugged it off and started to kiss my breast and neck "Ana it's Oscar he won't stop drinking since he found u with sad Ana I'm worried he started doing drugs"he said I shot up sad eyes looked at me "I'll be their in a bit"I said "ok see u here"he said and hung up "what's wrong"sad asked I looked at him "Oscar he been doing drugs every since he found u in my apartment"I said sad eyes had guilt in his eyes "mira Antonio u know I love u but I love Oscar he's the father of my daughter and I'll always love him so we can't keep doing this"I said pointing at him and me he stood up "nahhh I totally get it Ana I was actually gonna tell u to I was talking with huerita and she said she sorry and I love that mujer"he said I smiled "go get her tiger but first can u watch Mara while I go check on Oscar"I asked he nodded and kissed my cheek "go get him tiger"he said In a girly voice I laughed and got ready I then got in my car and drove to the Diaz house outside where the santos I got out and they all stood up "what u doing here fool"joker said staring me down "calm down joker I'm here to prevent Oscar from killing his self with an overdose"I said Cesar came out running "yo Oscar's not breathing Ana omg your here Oscar I think I think he dead"Cesar yelled I ran inside and Oscar was on the floor I went over to him and put him on his side so he can let all the white foam out "he overdosed call and ambulance"I told Cesar "Ana no he can't go to a hospital"Cesar said "Cesar fucking call the ambulance or do u want your brother to die I'm still taking classes for my doctory idk what to do"I yelled he got the phone and called soon the came and they got him on the stretcher I drove in my car behind the ambulance they rushed him inside to do a stomach wash up I was sitting in the waiting room when sad eyes showed up with huerita and Mara "mama"Mara said as she ran towards me "what are u doing here"I asked sad eyes I looked at huerita "uhhh hey huerita"I said awkwardly looking down she came and hugged me "I'm not mad u slept with sad eyes I mean I did cheat on him and so did Oscar on u so I get it"she said I hugged her tightly "thanks"is all I could say "what's the news on el compa"sad eyes asked "uhhh idk they haven't said anything"I said looking down he hugged me "it's gonna be of ma"he said I nodded "Oscar Diaz"a doctor said I stood up "umm I'm his uhh girlfriend"I said stuttering "he overdosed from a lot of heroin but we where able to wash his stomach in time he still hasn't woken up"the doctor said "uhhh could I see him"I asked she looked at me and nodded no "come on lady she wants to see him what if he doesn't make it"huerita said "alright fine u can follow me"she said I followed her to Oscar room and their I saw him with ivs stuck to his arm I went over to his side "Oscar I'm sorry I hurt u I didn't want this to happen I love u so please don't leave me fight if not for me at least fight for Mara she needs her dad and fight for Cesar he needs u if u don't want to fight for me do it for them please"I said crying while I was holding his hand just then I felt a squeeze "o-Oscar"I said he opened his eyes "hey nena"he said I let go of his hand and went to get a doctor they came in and checked "alright mr Diaz your good u can go home today if u want just be easy your still weak and don't do drugs again it will kill u next time"the doctor said Oscar nodded the doctor left leaving me and Oscar alone i looked at him "i I get it if u don't want to see I'll just go"I said heading towards the door "Ana wait"he said I turned around to see him he motioned for me to sit next to him so I did "look I get it if u wanna yell at me do it I hurt u but I was in pain Oscar u won't change the way u are and tbh sad eyes was hurting to so we were caught up in the moment I get if u don't want to see me u can still see Mara I won't deny that"I said he looked at me "are u done"he asked I nodded my head yes "it was my fault I was the one that hurt u and I'm sorry Ana I know u won't believe this but I love u and I love Mara and I understand I keep fucking up but I love u Ana and one day I would love to marry u like real shit and get our life together I want to give u the family u want and I know I hurt u but seeing u with sad eyes was different I felt like u actually moved on and what he said was just facts"he said I looked at him "Oscar-"I get it if u want to get together with him"he cut me off I grabbed his hand "Oscar me and sad eyes was just cheating breakup sex haha and plus he's back with huerita I love U and only u Oscar why won't u get that no matter how many time u cheat on me I'm always gonna love u because I'm just a dumbass"I said he squeezed my hand "your not a dumbass I'm the dumbass I love u Ana"he said as he kissed me I kissed back "why cheating break up sex tho"he said pulling away I busted out laughing "I have no idea"I said laughing "daddy"Mara said running into the room "hey princess"Oscar said lifting her up onto the bed sad eyes was leaning on the door frame Cesar came in and hugged Oscar "well what I don't get a hug fool"Oscar said looking at sad eyes "no yea yea sure"sad said going up to Oscar and huggin him "look I'm sorry what I said was fucked up I didn't mean for anything of this to happen I'm back with huerita"sad eyes said "it's fine your my compa my main u said the truth and well take for taking care of my girls"he said sad eyes just nodded "wait so y'all back together"Cesar asked Oscar looked at me and grabbed my hand "yup and I'm not letting her go now we gonna get married and im gonna knock her up with another kid"Oscar said I giggled "yea sure I'm not having another kid"I said "yes we are"Oscar said "Mara does need a sibling"Cesar said I glared at him "You guys are not the one that have to push out a child or deal with morning sickness so stfu"I said Oscar laughed "nahh I got push sum else ou-"Oscar don't u dare finish that"I glared at him he put his hands up in defense "my bad"he said laughing soon they brought the discharge papers and we took him home "alright sit down I'll make u food them we can help u take a bath and boom to bed ok babe"I said he sat down and looked at me "I should go to the hospital more often"Oscar said I glared at him "not funny Oscar"I said "sorry to early for hospital jokes"he said I have him the finger and went into the kitchen and made tacos "damm ma these are good"Oscar said "what he said"Cesar said "yea ma these fucking good"Mara said I choked on my taco "m-Mara don't say that Jesus niña that's a bad word"I said she looked at me "but dad says it"she said I glared at Oscar "mami don't say that say these are good as hell or these are bomb"Oscar said I nodded we ate I washed the dishes just then Cesar went with monse sad eyes went with his hyna Mara fell asleep early it was me and Oscar in his room he started kissing my neck "baby I'm not trying to make excuses but doctor said to take it easy and not make to much force" I said he groaned "nena I can take some sex now come here"he said pulling me onto his lap I started to kiss his neck (LITTLE SMUT⚠️) he took my shirt off and started to massage my breast "oof all of this is fucking mine and no one else"he said I hummed in response I took his shorts off and he's boxers and took all of his length in my mouth "fuck"he said and started to push my dead down and then back up "I'm gonna cum ana"he said i then stoped and he looked at me but I just put on a condom on his thing and then I sat on him taking in his full length which caused both of us to moan loud he then flipped me over and was hovering over me and started  thrusting inside of me "oh fuck babe I'm gonna cum"I moaned out he just picked up his pace and eventually we both came undone on each other "damm that was mind blowing"he said we both got up and took a shower we then came out "babe drink your night pills here"I said giving him the pills "u good"I asked he took the pills "yea just damm having sex after coming out of a hospital I should've waited"he said grunting I laughed "I told u but your horny ass didn't want to wait"I said we both got in bed he hugged me from behind "I love u mami"he said and kissed me behind my ear "I love u to papasito"I said and we both drifted off to sleep

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