Part 18

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Me and Oscar have been dating for 2weeks now it's been awesome he is great with Mara I have been through shit losing my parents but I was keeping my head up for Mara "Mara time for school"i said going into her room only to see her ready "what the hell"i said then I saw Oscar come out of her closet with her book bag I smiled In awe he looked at me "oh hey mami I got her ready  she already ate thought I'd help u out and let u sleep more"he said I went up to him and kissed him "I love u papi"I said he kissed me again "i love u to ma"he said Mara looked at us "wait ma is my papi your daddy to"she asked me and Oscar busted out laughing "ohhh yes I'm her daddy that what she ye-"I cut him off "don't u dare finish that sentence"I said glaring at him he laughed "let's go princess I'll drop u off"he said taking Mara with him I smiled at how he changes in front of her he's not that big bad spooky around her he just Oscar "morning sad"i said he looked at me "hey Ana how u feeling"he said I sighed "I'm hanging in their"I said he came up to me and hugged me I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his neck "it's gonna be ok mami just hang in their soon all this pain will be over and you'll get your happy ending"he said I squeezed him "thanks Antonio I really need to hear that pa"I said as we where huggin Oscar came back "what the fuck is going on in here"he said angry I quickly pulled away from sad "n-nothing fool"sad eyes said I looked at Oscar "it's was nothing babe he was just asking how I was doing and shit"i said he looked at us "don't u think y'all was being to touchy tho u even called him pa"Oscar said anger in his voice "Oscar thats what I've always called him"I said going towards him trying to grab he's hand but he yanked it away "yes when y'all where fucking around"he yelled at me sad eyes pushed me behind him "look I get it ur mad but don't yell at her"sad said "look Oscar me and sad was in high school jeez that was a while back I love u"i said he looked at me and sad how sad was still protecting me he sighed "uhhh I'll be back I need air"he said leaving i heard his car turn in "what the fuck is his problem"i said sad turned to me "idk"he said we sat down and we where talking he was telling me how his hyna slept with another man and shit "damm I'm sorry Antonio"i said he looked at me "fool stop saying my government name"he said i let out a loud laugh and out my head on his lap laying down "sorry sad eyes"i said sarcastically "ok Anastasia Marcos"he said i turned around and shot my head up and looked at him "Ayo chill not the whole government name u don't know who's listening"i said we both busted out laughing just then my phone ringed I saw it was Oscar I put it on speaker "hey"I said "Ana what what are u doing"he asked clearly drunk "I'm home with sad where are u Oscar you've been gone for a while it's about to be time to pick if Mara"i said "yea you always hanging out with sad eyes alway every fucking time u never leave time for me so we can have alone time but no u always put excuses and shit it's either no Mara here Mara over there or sad eyes is here or Cesar like tf let them hear how i fuck u or what u still hung up on sad eyes"he yelled I was so stunned to speak "homie chill out come home"sad eye spoke "nahhh fuck u Ana imma find me a really bitch that gives me sex when I want and doesn't make up excuses just cause her ex sex toy is in the same house"he said very drunk "Oscar u don't mean that your drunk come home please"i said i then heard a female giggle in the back he just hung up on me I looked at sad "that asshole is actually cheating on me"i said sad eyes text Cesar and told him everything and told him to pick up Mara for me I went into my room or Oscar's room and i started packing my shit "Ana what are u doing"sad eyes asked "packing my shit isn't that obvious"i said "u can't leave"he said "yes I can I'm done with Oscar's bs Antonio he won't change"i said wiping tears away he hugged me I looked up at him and i realized that he's always been the one to help me and comfort me always since high school he's been the one by my side no matter what he didn't leave me when I had Mara he would always check up on me  "Ana u good ur starting at me"he said interrupted my thoughts I looked at him and got on my tippie toes and kissed him he pulled away "Ana we can't do this not again"he said I looked at him "come on Antonio u think I don't see the way u look at me sometimes"i said he shook his head "shit I'm sorry i didn't know what went through me fuck I'm sorry sad imma go now"i said I grabbed my shit and put it in my car just then Cesar was walking with Mara she ran to me "mommy"she yelled "hey baby come on let's go we are going back to our apartment"i said "but but why what about daddy"she said I looked her "nahhh that fool stay here ion wanna see him"i said she looked at "daddy cheated on u again didn't he"she said my eyes widen "I'm a kid but I'm not stupid mom"she said and got in the car "Ana your actually leaving"Cesar said I hugged him "yea i can't with Oscar anymore Cesar i tried I really did if u need me call me or go to my house"i said pulling away he nodded I drove to my house and unloaded all my stuff and organized everything and i gave Mara food gave her a bath and then i tucked her in bed because she said she was tired after that i cleaned the kitchen i then sat down right when I sat down their was a knock on my door I groaned but got up "what do u want"i asked as I opened the door "oh hey sad e-"i was cut off by sad eyes crashing his lips with mine pushing us into my apartment and closing the door with his foot he started to grip my ass "a-Antonio"I said pulling away "I'm sorry you where right I did miss our sex Ana it was honestly bomb asf"he said i giggled "well then why don't we remember those bomb sex night"i said he smirked and picked me up and walked to my bedroom he undressed me and yea u know what happened (teaaaa)
Oscar pov
I woke up with the worst hangover ever I looked and I saw Ana wasn't here "what the fuck"I mumbled as I saw her things weren't here I went out to the living in room "Cesar what the fuck happened yesterday and where's Ana and Mara"i asked my brother he looked at me and shock his head that's when I knew I fucked sum up "week first you got mad at her and sad and went to drink second u called her drunk tell her a lot of shit and then saying you where gonna find your self a real bitch that gives u sex when u want and blah blah whole lot of shit so she said she was done with your bs that you'll never change"Cesar said those words broke me I then remembered I slept with a girl I fucked her in the bar bathrooms I groaned "where's sad eyes"I asked "umm idk he left yesterday looking disappointed and angry at the same time he hasn't been back since"Cesar said I then went to my room and changed and headed towards the door "I'll be back I gotta talk with ana"I said leaving and into my impala I headed towards Ana's apartment
Ana pov
I woke up with sad eyes next to me we got up and did breakfast he was helping me I was wearing shorts and sad eyes shirt he was wearing his long shorts and he was shirtless Mara was in her room playing she said she wanted to eat their so I didn't have a problem "so we gonna talk about yesterday"sad eyes asked I looked at him "what is their to talk we had sex boom"I said he smirked and wrapped his hand behind me and kissed my neck then their was a knock on the door I got it I said I went over to the door and it was Oscar the last person I wanted to see "hey Ana came we talk"he said he then looked at my cloth "hey Ana who is it"sad eyes said coming up behind me "spooky oh uhhhh jeez"sad said "well y'all didn't even waste a minute huh you fucking my girl now sad eyes"Oscar said shoving he's way in "Oscar stop I'm not your girl anymore I'm done with your bullshit u keep cheating on me"I yelled at him he looked at me and shoved past me and shoved sad eyes "I go fuck up and you take the chance to fuck my girl ese what's your problem"Oscar said shoving Antonio "well not my fault u keep breaking her heart Oscar I'm sorry if this fucking hurts u but Ana hasn't done anything to you so that u go and break her heart all the time she fucking loves u pendejo and all u do is fuck up every time look I Love Ana she is an amazing woman and if u can't value that someone has to she has an amazing daughter that u can't seem to be a good dad to"sad eyes yelled at Oscar I was shocked Oscar looked at him he didn't have words to say he was stunned "uhhh I gotta go"Oscar said "Oscar wait"I said he turned around and looked at me "nahhh Ana Antonio is right"he said and boom he was gone again I turned to sad eyes and he quickly hugged me "I'm sorry mami I couldn't hold it in anymore"he said I just kissed his bare chest "it's fine"I said

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