3. Fuck Me Into Oblivion

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He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

Being around him made me feel tongue-tied and if it weren't for the liquid courage, I could guarantee I would've made a run for it a long time ago.

I'm in the arms of a stranger yet I can't quite shake the feeling that I've met him before, heard that name leave his tongue before. His skin was a little darker than mine, the Italian accent easy to miss if you didn't listen for it but the more his voice deepened the less it was capable to stay hidden.

A feeling of safety washes over me and I'm not sure what my body is trying to tell me, all I knew was that he made me feel things. Too many things for the short amount of time I've been in his presence if you ask me.

His black button-up molded to his body, his biceps insanely huge almost making me drool on the spot. He was tall, insanely tall, making it feel like a black abyss was hovering over me. The dark ink on his hands traveled up his forearm no doubt all the way to his neck and those eyes...God those eyes that can't seem to leave me were mesmerizing. I'm betting on them being green, but it's a struggle to tell with the flashing lights. And don't let me start on those lips...someone bring me a fan.

With his hands around my waist, he pulls me tightly to his body, watching each other as we moved in sync.

Still, with heels on, I was nowhere near his chin and as I looked into his eyes I hated the way my neck had to be positioned.

So, I did the thing any normal person would do. I placed one hand on his shoulder and lifted myself onto my toes, attaching my lips to his.

The kiss is soft at first until it grows into one filled with unhinged need.  His hands travel down my body and with both hands cupping my ass, he rests me back on my heels hovering over me only deepening our kiss more.

If you'd told me earlier today that I'd be in a six-foot-something man's arms in the middle of the dancefloor at his club, I'd have laughed straight in your face.

Yet here I am. In the sexy club owners, arms as our tongues intertwine beautifully as if we were destined to meet.

Using my hand on his chest, I drag it down his body until it reaches his belt. A moan escapes my lip when I press my body into his feeling where he's straining against the zipper of his pants.

My face turns white, my body becoming aware of its size as it's pressed against me. His hand slowly snakes up my back before wrapping around my neck as he removes his lips from mine. "You're so beautiful," his breath fans across my ear sending goosebumps along my spine.

Before I'm able to say anything, he scoops me into his arms, his lips crashing onto mine. "Fuck me, right now," I say breathlessly.

His body stills as he looks into my eyes, "Are you serious?"

"Yes," locking my legs around his waist, he pushes through the crowd until he's off of the dancefloor, into the booth to grab my purse, and then to the elevator doors down the hallway.

Refusing to keep our lips apart any longer, I press mine to his as he steps into the elevator. Pressing me to the wall, his hands make their way up to my jaw tilting my head to the side and revealing my neck to him.

He bit and sucked gently on the sweet spot right below my ear and I let out a breathy moan. Using the tip of his tongue he dragged it up the length of my ear, squeezing my ass tighter as he did.

Heat prickles my skin as his dick rubs against me. Before I know it, he's hanging my pants on the elevator railing and scooping me back into his arms.

Rolling my hips into his, my eyes roll to the back of my head. The feeling of him between me was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. Hooking his hand under my thigh he runs his fingers along my slit through my black thong. "You're so fucking wet," he groans yanking the flimsy fabric from my body making me yelp.

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