20. Semaya or Valentino?

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"It's about time you remembered little Yildiz." He smiled sitting up and pulling me into his lap.

"I looked for you when it ended to ask if you enjoyed it, but I couldn't find you anywhere."

"I left as soon as it was done. My mother was sick, and I flew to Italy immediately. I watched you the entire time. From the moment you came out on stage, when you took your seat and when you ended the show."

He runs his thumb over my cheek, and I lean into his touch. That little moment we met before the show took away all of the stress that was eating away at me. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand before opening it and turning it to me.

There's a picture of us on that same night on his wallpaper. "Emilio took it, I told him to find our seats, but the sucker decided otherwise, and I was glad for it."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips lightly, "I love you so much Grey, you have no idea. My love for you will never cease to exist."

"I love you Anaís, I loved you then, I love you now, and I will love you forevermore. It's just us. This, our family is all that matters."

Tears start to pour out of my eyes, and he wipes them away before pulling me to his chest and kissing my head. I want to stay in his arms for the rest of my life. What he said was so true; it was just us and our family is the only thing that matters. I'd love him forever and I couldn't wait until I was Ms. Valentino.

We fall asleep just like that, our hearts beating together as one and our love suffocating us. A couple of hours later we wake up and I follow Grey out of the room to the kitchen where he apologizes to the twins in front of everyone. I smile and open my arms for him.

Today is Xile's graduation and though I thought it'd be super hectic, it wasn't. After breakfast, Grey walked to the front door and a team of professionals came in and took Xile, Kaia, and I to my old room to get ready. The boys had their own hair stylists but that didn't stop them from running in numerous times.

When my hair and makeup were done, I sat on the bed and admired my daughter. It felt unreal that I'd raised such a beautiful person inside and out. She was graduating with 12 passes and high honors just like the twins and I, and I couldn't be prouder.

"Stop staring ma," she whined, and I shooed her with my hand.

"Are you excited Mija?"

"I am, but I'm also nervous. What if I trip when I'm walking across the stage or up the stairs, oh god, what if I trip coming down the stairs?" she says frantically.

Kaia and I laugh before we stand behind her. Kaia puts her hand on her shoulder, "We'll be there to catch you." I kiss her cheek and she smiles.

"I love you."

"We love you so much more mi Vida," I say before leaving her to get her makeup done. When she's done, I help her put on her dress and gift her a graduation cap charm to add to the bracelet I got her a few years back.

Kaia opens the door and Emilio stands in the doorway, "You're so beautiful." He says and the biggest smile appears on her face.

Grey pushes past him, "Mia preziosa ragazza, sei così bella." (My precious girl, you're so beautiful) Grey says as he wraps his arms around her, and she does the same. I smile before pulling him away and pushing him out of the door to give Emilio and her some privacy.

I slapped Grey on the back when I closed the door, "Don't be rude. We talked about this."

He rolls his eyes playfully and walks outside when he gets a call. I shake my head trying not to think anything of it. When Xile's graduation is over we all head to the restaurant of her choice, no other than Valentino's.

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