28. Stranger/Boyfriend

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It took some long convincing, but I finally got Grey to stop asking if I was okay every two seconds. I didn't like hiding things from him but on the other hand, it didn't make sense to bring it up if I couldn't change it.

Maybe someday we'll have that talk, but for now, I needed it far away from my mind.

I held his hand as we walked down the cobblestone streets, music and the scent of coffee and vanilla filled the air. I knew he hadn't stopped worrying about me. It was evident in his silence, the momentary stares to try to figure out what was going on in my head and the soft caresses of his thumb on my hand.

Flashing lights blinded me before I spotted a claw machine, "Can I get one please," I pouted, and he nodded with a smile before leading me forward.

He put the coins in and rolled his eyes as I fought with him because I wanted to do it myself. He stood beside me and watched as I failed over and over again. "Having fun?" he asked distracting me and causing me to drop the prize.

"You did that on purpose, I was so close!" I complained and he laughed, "You weren't," he said, and I held my hand out for more coins. "You're a hater," I said as he put them in my hand, and I faced the machine again.

In my peripheral, I saw a man walk past me dangerously close and before I knew it, Grey had my body pressed to the machine. His towering figure protecting me. His head dropped to the crook of my neck, and he took a deep breath.

"Uhh, Grey..."

"Yes, Sol?" he said making no effort to release me from confinement. He had so many nicknames for me, and I adored every single one.

"I won!" I yelled and he backed away just enough for me to turn and jump into his arms. I kissed him, and my knee bent as he smiled looking into my eyes. It felt like something out of a movie.

"If I didn't give you that little push you wouldn't have." He smirked and I narrowed my eyes as I jumped down, "That's not true." I said as I grabbed my prize. It was a panda with pink hearts on its ears.

He took my hand and continued to walk down the street. "Don't worry, if anyone asks, I'll tell them you won it for me," I said patting his chest before I started to skip.

Grey stopped abruptly and I looked up at him puzzled. "Tell me, Sol."

"What?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

"What's bothering you, tell me."

I threw my hand up and dropped it as I turned and looked out at the water. "Nothing is wrong, Grey."

"Bullshit Solana, tell me right now, what's wrong."

"Are you serious, haven't you heard of happy tears?" I said trying to pull my hand away from his, but he tightened his hold.

"They weren't happy tears; I know you too well so don't even try to pull that lie with me. You've been distant since, and no matter how many fake smiles you put on, I know something is bothering you deep down. So please, please just tell me, angel."

"Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do," I said shrugging my shoulder and shaking my head.

"Anaís," he warned, "Any other time, I would've let you tell me on your own time. But not now. Not when you're physically here but mentally not. Not when your face lightens three shades whenever it pops back into your mind. Not when the woman I'm supposed to marry in a couple of days can't even look me in the eyes for more than 5 seconds at a time. So please Anaís, don't pull that card. Just talk to me."

Tears welled in my eyes and fought to escape as I turned around and looked anywhere but his eyes. He placed his finger under my chin and lifted my head.

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