39. Talent Show

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Before I could feel his tongue against mine he turned and placed me on my feet.

I whined as he turned to face the control pad and switched the water temperature to hot. He giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"You tricked me." I accused.

"Shh," he said cupping my cheek and running his thumb over my lips. "I love you," he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Then touch me," I begged.

I'll admit, this wasn't my finest moment, but it wouldn't be the first time I'd ever begged for him.

For him to rip my clothes off my body and have his way with me. To have him tie me to the bed and carry out his dirtiest desires. I wanted; no, I needed, I desperately needed for him to bend me over and fuck me with my hair wrapped around his fists.

The ache in my body calling out for him to satisfy it never left as I stuck to one side of the shower and let the cold water slide down my body.

I stepped out of the shower, leaving him inside as I struggled to control the thoughts that corrupted my mind and the things he made my body feel.

I grabbed a lacey underwear set and put it on before I sat on my vanity chair and slathered lotion on my body. I plugged in my straightener and let my hair down as Grey emerged from the bathroom completely bare.

I gawked at him through the mirror as he filled the glasses with champagne.

"See something you like?" he asked as he took slow strides over to where I sat.

"Nope, not at all," I said as I brushed my hair.

He held the glass in front of me and I stood as I took it from him. I clinked my glass with his and smirked before I drank it all in one gulp.

Before he could react, I dropped to my knees and locked my arms around his legs.

I spit on his already hard dick and shove him in my mouth. He hit the back of my throat and I bobbed my head.

He groaned as I ran my tongue over his tip and sucked hard.

He tried to push me off, but I held onto him tighter and sucked harder. I constantly let him hit the back of my throat as I looked into his beautiful green eyes.

I sucked on his tip and when I knew he was close to release I pulled away and sat back on my vanity chair, continuing to brush my hair.

"Now you know what it feels like every time you deny me," I said as I picked up my straightener.

"You're so going to pay for that." he threatened.

"Oh really, when? Can't make me pay for something if you won't touch me."

He drank his champagne before bending down, pressing his wet lips to my ear, "When I do touch you, you'll scream for mercy." He wrapped his hand around my hair and tugged my head back. "But I won't give it to you, no matter how much you cry out. I'll tease, taste, slap, and fuck your tight little pussy as I please, do you understand?"

He sucked on my sweet spot below my ear before he looked into my eyes through our reflections in the mirror, "I said, do you understand?"

"Fuck you,"

"I know you want to baby, trust me, I know." He taunted before taking the skin on my neck between his teeth and sucking.

He left me there, a prominent love bite on my neck, goosebumps over my body, and my breath trapped in my throat.

I tried with the utmost effort to rid my mind of thoughts of him and his threats as I straightened my hair and did my makeup. And I was doing so well but then he stood next to me as he grabbed his pants off of the clothing rack.

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