4. Waffles

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Waffles? Who the hell asks a hookup to make them waffles? And at this time of night? Oh well, I'd gone too far now to retract my suggestion and it didn't help that I was hungry. The twins and I went to a five-star restaurant, the whole shebang but the portions were entirely too small to fill even the littlest child.

I'm met with a ceiling-to-floor glass waterfall in the middle of the double staircase in the foyer, the sound of the water hitting the rocks surrounding it.

To the left of me is a huge kitchen with black appliances, cabinets an island, and a white backsplash. Taking in my surrounding, I notice a reoccurring color. Black. My favorite.

There was something about the color black, I guess you could say it brings me peace, a sense of safety, and quietness through all the noise.

I'm brought from my daze as the black doors close loudly. In a matter of seconds, I'm swept off of my feet by large hands and met with an even larger chest. I grinned widely as he pushed the hair hanging down my face behind my ears and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"What was that for?"

"You're adorable," he responds matter-of-factly. Suddenly my body is covered with goosebumps, and I'm left wondering how a stranger incites such a reaction in me. Such comfort and vulnerability.

He nudges me, noticing I've once again drifted away to my thoughts. Something I tend to do a lot.

"Are you prepared to taste the best waffles you've ever had?"

"Oh please, don't get cocky now. I have a very silent but deadly teenager at home who'd beg to disagree,"

I search his face for any sign of hesitation at my words but there's none.

"Tell them to bring it on then,"

Sitting me on the kitchen island, he stood in between my legs before kissing me from my thighs to my ankles. With a delicate touch, he brought each leg up and removed the heels I'd shoved my feet into again.

"So, it's just you in this big house all alone?"

"Unfortunately, no, Emilio lives here as well but he has a condo he goes to when we can't stand to be around each other. Says I'm too grumpy and I say he's childish,"

Trying to hold in a chuckle because he does definitely give off grumpy bossy vibes, I say "I can see why he'd say that, but why childish?"

"Let's just say, he hates having so much responsibility, even though it's not much, to begin with." He says taking the ingredients out of the cupboards. With a few more inquisitive questions I shouldn't be asking, the waffles are done and we're both seated on the island with my legs crisscrossed and one of his knees bent as he begins to pour syrup over my waffles.

He's about to pull away when I hold his hand with the syrup over them until I'm satisfied with the amount. He gets some on his finger and I lean forward and suck it off as I looked into his eyes. "Trouble" he smiles.

He pulls out a candle from nowhere and sticks it in the middle of the waffle. "It isn't a cake, but I hope this will do," he says as he lights it. "Happy Birthday Anaís,"

The next half an hour is filled with meaningless talk and laughter. When we're done eating, I hop off the island, grab both of our dishes, and head to the sink to wash them; something we'd just fought over. And even after not wanting to admit the waffles were tasty he got it out of me.

There's shuffling behind me and as I'm finishing I smell the familiar scent of cologne sneaking up behind me causing goosebumps to cover my skin yet again.

Large hands move my hair from one side of my neck to the other and in less than two seconds soft lips attach to my sweet spot below my eat. I let out a low moan as I lay my head on his chest. His hands grip my waist before he turns me to face him. with his lips on mine again he lifts me, sitting me on the sink as my hands roam his body, feeling every carefully crafted dip and curve. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he makes his way out of the kitchen and down a dark hallway with many doors.

We enter one and he slams the door, pushing me against it, not once breaking our kiss. I unbutton his shirt and push it off of his shoulders revealing the intricate ink designs on his skin paired with a few scars peeking through the ink.

Moving over to the mirror, he places me on my feet and turns me so we're both looking back at ourselves. "Can I?" he asks with his eyes stuck on mine. Without another thought, I nod my head. "Use your words" he whispers into my ear making those oh-so-familiar goosebumps appear once again.

"Yes, please take it off," I breathe.

He drags the pads of his fingers up the length of my arms and then down my back to where the bow holding the corset together is tied. He unravels it and slides the straps down my arm. He turns and rests the corset on the couch in front of the bed.

By the time he turns around, the only thing left on my body is my thong. The moonlight glistens against his skin as he slowly walks in my direction, takes my hand, and tugs me to his chest.

He's staring at me, and I can't help but think he's able to read everything etched deep into my soul even with my immense effort in trying to conceal it. Dropping my head and looking away from his intimidating gaze, he cups my face bringing it back up to meet his eyes. Softly he slides his thumb over my bottom lip.

"What?" I ask scrunching my eyebrows from the awkward feeling in my chest.

"Has anyone ever told you just how magnificent you are Ms. Semaya,"

The corners of my lisp tug upwards and my eyes soften. "If you count the obscene amount of catcalling and the biased opinions of my family then yea sure," I smiled.

"Well, you are. Your beauty has no limits Anaís, none."

"Shut up and kiss me," Wrapping his arm around my shoulders tightly he leans down and steals my breath with a sweet kiss. hooking his hand under my thigh as he brings it up I lift myself onto my tiptoes desperately needing more of him. "I want you inside me,"

"The first time you feel me inside you, you'll be sober," he says pulling away from the kiss. He slaps my ass, "Get some rest, and then I'm yours any time after that."

I roll my eyes not used to being told what to do but I respect where he's coming from. And if I'm being completely honest I'm tired as hell. He lifts me and walks to the other side of the bed pulling back the covers before he lays me down in the middle.

Just as I think he's about to get in beside me, the room door closes and I'm left wondering what I did wrong. Is he not sleeping in here? No more than 5 minutes go by and he's opening the door again. Two glasses of water in his hands. He hands me mine and I thank him, drinking some before placing it on the nightstand and laying back down with my back faced to him.

The sound of his belt hitting the floor and his zipper being pulled down rings in my ear and moments later the bed dips and he's pulling my body to his now naked one. I feel him hard against me and as I'm about to turn around to face him, he kisses my cheek. "Sleep,"

And before I know it, my eyes are closing and I'm drifting off to sleep in the arms of someone I met four hours ago.

Yet I still can't shake the puzzling feeling that we've met before.

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