5. Pool & a Movie

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"I'd love a date with you," I say as the elevator door closes. I'm blushing, my fingers intertwined behind my back. I'm not sure how he makes me feel this way after less than 24 hours but I'm willing to find out. Oddly enough, he seems so familiar, like I've seen him somewhere before I just can't put my finger on it. I collect myself before turning around for the inevitable torment known as the twins.

Turning on my heels, I make my way back to the kitchen where they're standing. "Not a word," I say as I open the box of pastries. I take mine out and place it on a plate. Sitting across from me on the bar stools are Zayn and Kaia, elbows on the marble counter and their hands clasped under their chins.

"Hm, is Miss grump ashamed of her little rendezvous with big daddy Grey Valentino?" Kaia asks, "I think she is, either way, she's telling us everything." Zayn replies. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Do you think we should just tickle it out of her?"

"Nope, not at all. There's no need for that, grab your treats and I'll tell you everything while we watch a movie." I say as I grab my drink. I do not need to be tortured today. They squeal and rush to the box of pastries in response.

I make my way over to the couch and the twins zoom past me. I giggle and sit in the middle of both of them. I take a sip of my drink, another, and another. I can feel them getting more and more anxious by the second.

Who the hell am I kidding, I'm dying to tell them about last night. I put my things on the coffee table in front of us and before I can sit back on the couch properly, my mouth is going so fast it might drop off. I'm smiling like crazy and so are they as I tell them everything from the elevator to him making me waffles and taking me to get pastries.

"So, how big was he?" Kaia asks once again. I roll my eyes, "He's huge, insanely huge. He told me the first time I feel him inside me I need to be sober. I'm not sure I can handle all 10 inches and the thickness of him sober." Zayn leans over to the mini fridge we have beside the couch, "Well, our little slut is back in action. Does this mean you'll be seeing him again?"

"He asked me out on a date, I said yes. I'm nervous, I've never acted like this before. After all, it's just a date."

"Whatever it is, we're happy for you, maybe you can stop being so miserable all the damn time." Kaia spits.

"Okay, enough about me, let's watch the movie." I press play and Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses starts, our favorite movie. We could watch it every day and not get tired. Xile and her friend join us, and we all snuggle together in a huge blanket.

When the movie is finished, we decide to go down to the pool with a bottle of wine each while Xile and her friend go to the mall. On our way down, I open my phone and send Grey a quick message so he can save my number as well. I'm about to lock my phone when a message comes in from him.

Grey: I hope we can have that date real soon. I will have your clothes delivered later this evening. Have a wonderful day angel.

Me: Let me know when you're free and we'll plan it. Also, please thank your maids on my behalf again. Have a great day as well.

Grey: I'm free whenever you are, and I will.

Me: How about tomorrow night?

Grey: Tomorrow night is great; I'll pick you up at 7.

Me: All right, I'm heading into the pool now. See you then. ;)

I put my phone into my purse and rest it on the table in the cabana. Grabbing my bottle of wine, I join the others in the pool. "Missing lover boy so soon?" Kaia asks as I sit on the steps beside them.

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