30. Cool off

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I whined and pouted as he caressed my cheek apologizing that he had to leave.

As soon as I'd felt his hands on my body, any other thought was completely irrelevant and all I wanted was for him to pick me up and take me home to our bed.

I craved his hands on me even if it wasn't sexual, his body heat overpowering mine, the way he lightly ran the pads of his fingers up and down my back as we drowned in each other's eyes.

After he'd gotten me to calm down by threatening to tickle me, he helped me into my bikini bottom and robe.

As he was about to open the door to leave, he turned to me and our eyes collided.

He wanted to stay with me as much as I did.

He released the door handle and turned to face me. He made me lay against his chest and played in my hair for a bit until I told him to leave knowing he had a duty to fulfill.

His men back home looked up to him and I didn't think any less of the ones from his home country.

I went to the lockers and grabbed my phone before I joined the others in the facial room. Their heads shot up as I sat on one of the chairs.

"About time, mom wouldn't let us start without her precious little fucking princess Ana," Kaia complained.

"It's about time, you shut that potty mouth of yours. Let's get started, shall we?" I said and as she was about to say something mom glared at her. I stuck my tongue out and she flipped me off.

I sat back in my chair and opened my phone to messages from Grey's mom.

Chiara: Hello my beautiful daughter. What are you doing later tonight, is it okay if I come over?

Me: Hi, of course. You're always welcome. I'll pick you up around 6:00, you can stay the night if you want.

Chiara: I'd love that, see you then!

I sent a quick message to Grey letting him know.

When I pulled up to his parent's house, I got out and walked up the stairs to the front door. The guards greeted me with a bow and opened the door.

Like before, she ran down the stairs with a huge smile on her face. She stopped as a maid handed her a small duffle bag. The maid bowed before she turned on her heels and left.

"Hi, aren't you excited?"

"Sure am!" she said taking me by the hand and walking out of the house.

She said something to the guards in Italian and waved goodbye as we made our way to the car. I took her bag and placed it in the trunk as she got in the car.

She and Carmen squealed when they saw each other, and Carmen called her to the back, so she'd sit with her and my mom.

As I pulled off, they did their introductions. The whole ride was filled with laughter from them.

"Carmen and I, with the help of Val will be making an Italian dinner tonight for you all." She said as the three of them held hands and did a little shimmy.

I shook my head as I pulled into the driveway.

I pulled up below the stairs and the guards opened each of our doors. I handed the key to one of them and Grey's mom said something in Italian.

As I was about to go open the trunk, one of the guards beat me to it. We all entered the house and before I knew it, my mom, Carmen, and Chiara disappeared.

The others followed me into Grey and I's room. We changed and grabbed our electronics before heading to the theatre room. I placed my things on the bed and immediately went over to the mini kitchen.

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