8. Xile's 18th

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"Fucking hell, how many cars do you have?" Zayn asks as Grey's driver opens the door for us to get into his Cadillac Escalade.

"Twelve." He answers as he gets in beside me and closes the door.

"You're joking right?" Xile asks.


The driver pulls off onto the main road. Kaia sits in the passenger seat flirting with the driver, but he just gives her one-word answers, keeping his eyes on the road. Xile and Zayn sit behind Grey and I, poking and tickling me every couple of minutes. I turn around and pinch both of them hard telling them to stop. I turn around and scroll through my phone as Grey rubs my hand.

About 20 minutes go past and we pull up to Grey's restaurant. As we enter, someone leads us downstairs to the private rooms. I'd searched for his restaurants online but this, this was better than anything I could've ever imagined. The door slides open, and Emilio sits at the end of the large table. The room is big enough to fit 50 people. He looks up from his phone and says, "I bet $1,000 you're late because Grey couldn't figure out what color panties to wear."

"Emilio, I will break that wine glass and stab you in the eye."

Jeez, aggressive much.

We say our hello's as we take our seats. We sip on martinis and hold a conversation as we look over the menu. When we're done ordering our food, Kaia, Xile, and Emilio talk to one another as Zayn, and I take photos.

I'll be damned if I don't get pictures of me in this outfit. Grey is on the phone speaking with one of his employees. Our food arrives and Xile and Emilio continue to laugh with each other loudly. If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were best friends since birth.

I watch them tuning out the twins and Grey as they talk to me. Emilio opens his phone and leans closer to her; she looks at it and they start laughing once again. She takes his phone, and they pose for a selfie. When she hands the phone back their eyes meet and it's like everything stops for them.

The door slides open, and they are interrupted by 4 waiters singing happy birthday for Xile as they roll a cart in with a two-tier cake, a gold cake topper with the number '18' and candles around it. My heart instantly warms as Xile looks over at me, surprise covering both of our faces. I shake my head letting her know I had no idea as well.

Tears burn my eyes, fighting to escape as Grey runs his thumb over my knuckles. They place the cake in front of her and leave as they're done singing.

Xile blows out the candles and makes her wish. I squeeze Grey's hand and whisper "Thank you." As I get out of my chair and go over to Xile. I hug her from behind as I place a kiss on her head whispering in her ear "Happy soon-to-be birthday mi vida."

Grey walks over to the door and says something to the man standing outside it before he follows him in. "I think it's time for a group photo with the birthday girl." We all move to stand behind Xile as the man sets up the camera. "Coño! You stepped on my fucking toe." Zayn yells at Emilio.

"Maybe if your toe wasn't so fucking big that wouldn't happen," Emilio says under his breath but loud enough for us to hear.

We all laugh and get into position as the waiter starts taking the photos. When we're done, we look over the photos and thank him before he leaves. Emilio gets up and goes over to the large tv on the other side of the room.

"Anyone down for Just Dance?" He asks looking back at us.

"You're bullshitting, who has Just Dance in their restaurant?" Kaia asks in disbelief as this is one of our favorite things to do when we're not watching animated movies.

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