24. Anyone

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The ride home was full of curses from Grey and Emilio in rapid-fire Italian. They asked us if we were okay every couple of minutes and resumed cursing at themselves and each other.

What made me feel uneasy was the Valentino family's reaction. No one screamed, cried, yelled at Grey, questioned him...nothing. It was like it was completely normal to them and the more I think about it, it was. They were a mafia family after all.

The rasp and base in Grey's voice as he threatened everyone at dinner for Xile and me shook me to my core but also made me feel something opposite. It felt exhilarating knowing the great lengths he'd go for us.

Not only him but Emilio and Mariano as well. They'd promised to protect us, and they always did.

Truthfully, his uncle whom I've come to learn is named Luigi wouldn't have seen tomorrow morning. I'd planned out his death in my head in that split second, he touched Xile.

I guess Grey was the kill now, think later type whereas I was the opposite. And I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on.

When we arrived home the boys went to Grey's office after making sure we were okay for the millionth time. Xile joined me in my room, and we showered and got in bed. We called the twins and they told us all about their dates and we told them about our day as well.

As expected, they clapped and praised what Grey did. I cradled Xile in my arms as we tried to get sleep, but it just didn't come. We decided to go downstairs and see what the boys were doing.

I opened Grey's office doors and they all peeled their eyes from the huge screens on the wall and looked at us. The screens covered by a privacy overlay went completely black, and I raised an eyebrow. They didn't look upset anymore, but mischievous.

Xile sat on the couch as I strode over to Grey. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Emilio said as he passed me and joined Xile on the couch.

"Last time I checked, you still had a bedtime up until two years ago." I bit back and he muttered something under his breath.

Grey took a seat on the chair behind his desk and Mariano grabbed the stack of papers on it and shove them into his bag on the couch before taking a seat.

"I'm bored." I pouted when Grey pulled me onto his lap. My feet dangled and I swung them back and forth.

"Hm, we gotta fix that then, don't we?" I nodded still pouting. "How do you suggest we do that?"

"Come to bed," I said wrapping my arms around his neck and brushing our noses together.

"What about boy's night out? It's been a long time since we had some Italian meat." Mariano said and my head snapped to him.

"Keep testing me Mariano, be a whore all you want but you won't drag Ace into it with you."

"Emilio either," Xile spoke up glaring at Emilio who tried to hold in a chuckle. She got up and stood in front of the door. "Emilio," she said looking forward and he got up, opened the door, and took her hand leading her out.

We all laughed before Mariano said, "Don't tell me you're betraying me for a woman too." He said fake whimpering.

Grey stood and I wrapped my legs around him as he walked to the door, "No, I'm leaving you for my wife. Your queen."

I smiled and kissed him all over his face as the doors closed and he walked us up the stairs to our bedroom. He sat down on the bed, and I rested my head against his shoulder.

"He said we were Colombian whores your family bought, and he only wanted a taste since you and Emilio seemed satisfied," I spoke up.

He ran his hand through my hair and pulled me closer. "I'm so sorry angel. I'll burn the entire world for Xile and you."

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