18. Submit

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"Submit to me," he says, his voice raspy.

My eyes open widely as I blink repeatedly. My orgasm hit me like a wrecking ball, my body shaking profusely against his. How he can make my body do these things will never cease to impress me. "Like your submissive? O-okay." I manage to get out as I turn my head to the side, my cheek resting on his chest.

"Only if you want to baby. It's completely fine if not."

"I want to,"

"Are you sure?"

I sit up and turn to straddle him, "Yes, I'm sure. I trust you, Grey. You wouldn't hurt me, I know that." I grind against him, and he let out a heavy breath as he gripped my waist. "I want to be your slave. Treat me and fuck me like one."

He looked at me, completely in disbelief. A small smile appeared on his face, and I smiled back at him before he captured my next breath with his lips. I kissed him back with as much force as he did. He slapped my ass and I squealed before sucking on his tongue and pressing my body closer to his.

He grabbed my ass harder and bit my bottom lip making me moan into his mouth. I felt him get harder and harder under me and I grind on him again. He held my waist tightly, holding me in place. "Stop, or I'll fuck you so hard you'll need a wheelchair."

Excitement and wariness fill me, and I do something I know I'll regret sooner or later.

"Maybe you should," I whisper as I lean down to his ear and run my tongue over the edge. "Try me, baby, I can take it," I say looking into his eyes.

He grips onto my rib cage and lifts me as he stands. "Strip," he demands as he places me on my feet before walking over to the closet. I turn, trying to see what he's doing but he closes the frosted door as he enters. I take off my clothes and wait for him.

He comes out holding a large black trunk and places it in front of the bed. Something evil and taunting flashes in his eyes as he looks at me, running his tongue over his teeth. When he stands in front of me, he places his finger under my chin and uses his thumb to rub my bottom lip. "Good girl. Remember, your safe word is Yildiz. Don't hesitate to use it, I'll stop immediately."

"Yes sir," I say, and he nods with a smirk before kissing my lips softly.

"On your knees," he demanded lowly. I dropped to my knees making sure not to break eye contact. He groaned softly, "Be a good girl and take me into your beautiful mouth.

I reach up, tuck my fingers in the hem of his sweatpants and pull them down. He steps out of them and kicks them aside. I spit in my hand and rub his tip repeatedly.

I loved listening to him almost as much as I loved defying him. Seeing his chest rise, his jaw clench, and the danger flash in his eyes every time I did only made my body run hot. I don't know when it happened, but I suddenly couldn't think of any other thing pleasuring me, not like he did. Whether it be another person, porn, or my trusty vibrator. Only being able to receive pleasure if he told me to use a toy on myself.

He stole my breath, my sense of knowledge, he made me forget everything else anytime his gaze landed on me, I knew whenever he was in my presence without him making noise. He made me beg to be used by him, to let my body feel. His body was overpowering, my 5'2 doing nothing to his 6'2. His toned body pressed against mine made me delirious. And the way he knew how to use it; every part of him.

"Anaís," he warned when I'd taken too long to do what he said. I pushed my head down and I sucked on him like my life depended on it. He wrapped my hair in his hand and pushed me further, setting the rhythm he wanted. It was a turn-on. Everything about him was a turn-on.

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