46. In the end, its Him and I

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I took his hand and rubbed my thumb over his knuckle softly, "Will you marry me

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I took his hand and rubbed my thumb over his knuckle softly, "Will you marry me...today?"

He squeezed my hand and yanked me forward. He silenced the yelp leaving my lips with his. I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my neck, so I couldn't pull away unless he permitted it. I placed my hand on his chest and tried to push him away as he placed kisses all over my face, "I'm guessing that's a yes?"

"Come on, let's not wait a minute more," he said cheerfully.

I chuckled, "I'm sorry to burst your bubble Ace, but we have to wait a couple more hours."

"Wait why?" his face fell.

"You didn't think I brought you here for another fashion show did you, come on, there's more to this surprise."

As I started to turn he pulled me back and kissed me again before we made our way out of the room and down the hall. Coming up to the doors separating the hallway from the large open space where our wedding would be held, I smiled warmly as I called to the guards letting them know they didn't have to open them. They nodded and returned to their posts.

Removing my hand from Grey's, I placed both of mine on the handles and slid the doors open. Grey came up beside me and placed his hand on the small of my back. "Now you can finally stop pestering me about keeping secrets," I rolled my eyes as I looked up at him.

"Haha, funny, I wouldn't have to if you didn't keep secrets."

"I don't think surprises fall in the category of 'keeping secrets', and you're one to talk, all you've done is surprised me with things. Now, what do you think about everything?"

"I must say, my love, you did wonderfully. It's just like we planned," he said as his eyes scanned the room, "Even down to the couches instead of chairs for our guests comfort. But, if you don't mind me asking, what are all the rows for? We don't have that many friends or family."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so quick to think that" I cleared my throat louder than usual.

Alia came up beside me and poked her head out with a smile right on cue. Grey bent down and lifted her into his arms, no doubt tickling her as he did.

"Surprise," Alia said as she pointed behind us. As we turned I moved to the side as everyone in his family greeted and congratulated him.

At this moment, I knew this was the right thing to do and all of my worries about today going epically disastrous vanished as I saw the smile on his face as he continued to speak with everyone whilst glancing over at me every now and then.

"Dai, non c'è tempo per chiacchiere. Andiamo tutti a prepararci..." Carmen yelled and stepped out from the crowd to grab their attention. "Ora!" she clapped, and everyone dispersed and made their way to their respective rooms leaving Grey and me alone again. (Come on, there's no time for small talk. Let's all go get ready...now)

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