42. Beg Me

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After nailing his father to a large piece of wood, Grey took me by the hand and led me to his office.

He opened the secret door to the bathroom and lifted me placing me on the counter. He opened the cabinet and grabbed a washcloth. After wetting it, he cleaned the blood his hands left on my face.

"What are your plans for your father?" I asked.

"The same thing I do to everyone who disrespects, touches, or even breathes on you in the wrong way."

"Grey, your mom,"

"I don't care, she's better off without him. The world is better off without him. He'll never hurt you, Xile, or her ever again." he said as he turned on the faucet and started washing his hands.

"Grey, it was only a slap, you can't." I tried bargaining although I knew the sick human being he was.

And truthfully he deserved whatever Grey would do to him. He disgusted me just as much as my parents did and I was ready to put them all behind us.

"No one touches you. Ever" he deadpanned as he turned off the faucet and looked me in the eyes.

I only nodded and he grabbed another hand towel to dry his hands before stepping in between my legs and placing his hand on the back of my head.

"Why don't you head home, it's about to get really loud and even more messy out there."

"Good idea, I feel like I've run the whole city of New York today," I admitted.

"I'll have someone drive you," he said.

"I'll be okay, I promise. Just hurry home my love."

"I will Yildiz," he kissed my forehead before helping me off the counter and pulling me to his chest. "I love you so much."

"I love you more,"

"Never," he said tickling me.

I grabbed his hand and pushed it away before shoving him by the shoulder and running out of the bathroom. I screamed as I heard his footsteps trotting my way. I turned to face him as I stood behind the sofa trying to put space between us.

"Stop," I held my hands at arm's length. "Please, I don't have my inhaler." I reasoned.

I backed away as he moved around the sofa, "Okay, I surrender," he said throwing his hands in the air. He stepped forward and I yelped as I tried to run away but he was too fast as he captured me in his arms and lifted me off of the ground.

I screamed and thrashed in his hold until I realized he wasn't tickling me like he usually would've. Only holding me. A smile on his face as he did.

"Your beauty is incomparable to any other." He said his eyes a darker shade of green than usual. "Kiss me,"

Without another thought, I pressed my lips to his and buried my hand in his hair. Our tongues moved together, the blood in my veins running hotter and hotter as his hands roam my body carelessly.

"Mom...dad?" Xile said making us aware of her presence.

Grey placed me on my feet and I brushed my hair behind my ear as I turned to face Xile who stood in the doorway.

"Mari?" I said stepping toward her.

"Is something wrong?" Grey asked as he passed me and made his way to Xile.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired and,"

"And so am I," Zayn said as he pushed the door open more and stepped into the office. "Can we go, I tire of hearing your piece of shit father scream in pain."

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