21. Shortcake

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I opened the drawer and took out a black bodycon maxi dress from some of the things I left in here. When I was done showering, I sat on the bed until her makeup and hair were done. I pat the spot on the bed beside me and she sat down. "Please tell me you packed your bag for tonight and Italy already."

"I did. Truthfully, I was going to wait until the last minute, but Emilio made me do it."

"Speaking of Emilio...just like we've talked about before. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"I know mom, he wouldn't force me to either way. If I choose to, it'll be because I want to."

I took her hand and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles before handing her a pouch. She opened it and her mouth dropped open. "It's everything you'll need if you decide to. Please remember to make him wear a condom. Grey will kill him if he doesn't, and I can't say I won't try first."

"I promise I will." She said pulling me into a hug.

Zayn and Kaia came in and helped with her dress. I felt beyond fantastic knowing she was wearing a dress made specifically for her by us. We took solo photos with her before Emilio joined in.

Grey was still nowhere in sight, so I left them in the living room and tiptoed to our room

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Grey was still nowhere in sight, so I left them in the living room and tiptoed to our room. I pressed my ear to the door to try to hear if he was still on a call and what he was saying if he was but as expected there was no luck.

I opened the door slowly and he was standing in front of the sliding doors, still on the phone. I clenched my fists and took deep breaths to calm myself before I walked over to him.

"Are you seriously still on the phone? What could take so long to talk about right now?" I asked pulling his arm back. "You know what, don't answer that. Xile is leaving, you can either stay here or join me in the living room to see her off."

I turned on my heels and stormed off. Plastering a smile back on my face I entered the living room and took one last picture of Xile. I pulled her into a hug, careful not to mess up her makeup or hair. "My gorgeous girl, I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun and remember I'm only a call away." I whisper into her ear.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you so much more Mija."

Grey joined us in the living room, and I pulled away from her and rolled my eyes at him. The others said their goodbyes before Grey pulled her into a hug. "You look beautiful little one, see you tomorrow."

He turned to Emilio, "I shouldn't have to say anything to you because you know better, but please be careful and enjoy yourselves." He held his hand out for Emilio and pulled him into the hug as well. "I love you both."

"Oh really, then will you stop threatening to kill me?" Emilio said, and we all laughed.

Grey put their luggage into the car and then they were off. I walked back into the house and Kaia and Zayn ran up to me, "Don't start crying on us now." Zayn said. "I'm surprised she hasn't cried already," Kaia added.

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