12. Betrayal

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The next two days go by quickly. We haven't spoken much because of our busy schedule and with him being 6 hours ahead it's not something we're used to, but he still calls me every night to listen to me fall asleep.

The driver Oliver and bodyguard Leo have been very nice, although they don't respond with more than two words. Today has been very slow, filled with long meaningless meetings asking the same questions over and over again in different ways.

"Hi mom," Xile says as she enters my office. "Hi darling, how was school?" "School was okay, being head of the prom committee is not for the weak. You look tired, I'll make you a cup of coffee. Iced or hot?"

"I am, iced please." I sigh as she makes her way over to the mini kitchen in my office. "Don't be afraid to ask for help, you have the three of us and you can always ask Chelsea."

"I know, I just want to be independent like you for once."

"My love, you can be independent and still ask for help. Nothing is wrong with that. How do you think I got in the position I'm in now." She nods and brings my coffee over. "Bring your laptop and sit beside me, if you have any questions I'm right here."

For the next two hours, I switch between work and helping her. The twins left early because they're staying with their mom for the night, so I send a quick message to Oliver letting him know we're ready.

Me: Good evening, Oliver. We're ready to leave whenever you are.

Oliver: Underground parking lot. 5 minutes.

I quickly wash my cup and grab my things. Standing by my office door is Leo, the bodyguard. "Ready?" he asks. I nod and he turns walking ahead. "Can we make dinner together tonight? I'm tired of eating out." Xile says once we're in the elevator.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I ask.

"We haven't had curry shrimp in a while."

"Curry shrimp it is."

"How was your day, Leo?" Xile asks as he stands in front of us typing on his phone. "Good." He replies, not making eye contact. The elevator doors open and Leo steps out. we walk ahead as Oliver pulls up. Xile gets in on her side, and I make my way around to mine.

I hear the locks in the car close as I'm about to reach for the handle. The sounds of tires screeching, and blinding light sends alarms through me. with a loud blow to my head, I drop to the floor.

Trying to fight the excruciating pain I reach for my gun in my handbag and shoot the person. They stumble to the ground, my vision blurry as I try to get up.

I recognize the familiar features, Leo. The sound of a bullet piercing through glass fills the air and Xile screams. I jump onto my feet reaching for the knife in my bra as I shoot at the group of men running toward me.

Looking back to see if Xile is okay, I watch the bodies drop as the bullets enter them. In my peripheral I see another heading my way, I throw my knife and it enters his throat.

Xile screams and I turn to her. Leo has his hand around her throat and his gun to her head. "Make another move and I'll blow her head off!" he yells.

Fear washes over my body, paralyzing me and I drop my weapons two pairs of hands grab onto my body and I'm thrown into the car. One of the men sitting beside Xile, I grab onto her as the doors slam and another guy gets in the passenger seat. I search her body for any injuries, but I don't see anything but blood.

Leo opens the driver's side and it's only when he drags Oliver's lifeless body out do I realize he's dead. Leo gets in the driver's seat and pulls out of the parking lot.

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