27. Bad Boy

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After an extensive shower and aftercare, we both fell asleep in each other's arms as we whispered sweet nothings against each other's lips.

All I felt was complete happiness and love. I was marrying the love of my life and I'd be bound to him forever. He was the man of my dreams, and I didn't want to do life without him.

The sun creeps through the windows and shines on my face as I open my eyes. Grey is leaning over me as he plays with my hair and caresses my cheek. I shuffle a bit before I look into his eyes. He smiles and my face turns red instantly. "Hi gorgeous"

"Hi handsome" I smiled, "How long were you watching me?"

"Lost count," he said before he nuzzled his head in my neck.

"Creep" He laid kisses all over my face and neck as I laughed. "Okay, okay"

He stopped and his face hovered over mine. Amusement flashed in his eyes, "Wanna do something crazy?" I squinted my eyes and tilted my head up giving him a suspicious look. He nudged my nose with his and I smiled as I nodded. "Let's get married in two weeks. Here."

A huge smile spread across my face, "Yes, yes, a million times yes!" it was like last night all over again. Happiness filled my body and I felt at ease in his arms. I'd officially be his wife in a couple of days, and I was ecstatic.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him as I sat up and flipped us. "Mine," I said against his lips.

"Yours" he replied, and I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and got off the bed. He walked into the bathroom and let me down on my feet. He grabbed my robe off the hook and put it on me. He tied the ribbon securing it before he turned me, so I faced the mirror.

He held my hair in his hand and motioned for me to give him a clip. "You literally have one on your wrist." I rolled my eyes.

"Nope, last time I let you use it I had to fight to get it back."

"Shush, here you go," I said dangling the clip in his face. We brushed our teeth and washed our faces before he took me by the hand and lead me down the stairs. There was breakfast laid out on the island. He pulled the bar stool and helped me up on it because I was too short.

My feet swung back and forth as he poured my coffee, and I popped a piece of bacon in my mouth. "How is it?"

"Tasty" I replied, "Did you make all of this?" He nodded and I kissed him on the lips before he pulled my chair closer to his and we ate as the waves crashed against one another. It was calming and made me feel warm inside. "What do you think about me starting a chain of hotels."

"Hm, I think that'd be fun. Is that something you've been thinking about?"

"You could say that. I just want to venture into new business aspects. We could do it together, don't you think?"

"Oou, can I be in charge of the interior design?" I said happily. It's something I've always loved. "You can be in charge of whatever you want baby." He smiled as he tucked the few strands of hair that fell down my face behind my ear. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

I climbed onto his lap and looked into his eyes, "I love you" he smiled, "I love you fiancée."

"Oh my, put that away," I said looking down at his hard-on through his grey sweats.

"I can't help it; you do this to me," he said as he stood and walked over to the railing. I rested my head on his shoulder as we looked out at the beautiful ocean. "There's a charity ball in a few days, will you join me?"

"Charity ball?"

"It's a charity ball in all honesty but it's another way for all influential and mafia families to flaunt their wealth."

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