6. Peonies

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The blazing sun shines on my face as I wake from my slumber. I roll to my other side, expecting to see Grey lying in the bed beside me. Unfortunately, he isn't there. My bed feels the same as any other morning, lonely and cold.

I sit up in bed as I let it sink in that he's left. I shouldn't feel a way, but I do. I reach for my phone on my nightstand but something else catches my eye. There's a note and a bouquet, peonies, my favorite.

Picking up the. Note I begin reading it. It says...

Good Morning Angel,

I hope you're not too upset that I left without saying goodbye. I have an important meeting at 9:30 am, I tried waking you, but I remembered what Zayn said about you all sleeping dead last night.

I had a wonderful time with you and your family yesterday. I hope you like the flowers. I ordered breakfast for you guys; it's waiting for you in the kitchen. I'll see you later for our date angel.

- Grey xoxo.

A smile plasters across my face as I lay back against the headboard holding the note close to my chest. He's too cute. I grab the bouquet and smell the light jasmine scent, it calms me. Placing them onto the nightstand, I pick up my phone to send him a message.

Turning on my phone, I look at the time. It's 10:45, Sunday the 4th of June. I take a picture of the note and flowers on the nightstand.

Me: Good Morning, thank you for the flowers and breakfast. We all had an amazing time yesterday as well and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. See you later handsome.

Sending the pictures of the flowers to Zayn & Kaia, I put my phone on my bed and throw on my clothes from last night. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and pee before I leave my room and head to the kitchen. To my surprise, the three of them are already awake and sitting around the island, their iPads in front of them.

"Buenos dia mama," Xile says as I sit on the bar stool beside her. "Good morning baby. I see these two are hungover." I laugh looking at the twins, one staring into space and the other with their head on the island. They groan in response. I look over at the food that is spread over the counter. There are 4 servings of everything. There's orange and apple juice, iced coffee, waffles, pancakes, French toast, bacon sausage, both pork and turkey, eggs, porridge, and the list goes on.

"What the heck, who's going to eat all of this?" I ask out loud to no one in particular.

"Girl, we don't know. Grey went all out; he must really like you." Zayn replies.

"Anyways, can we dig in? We're starving." Kaia exaggerates, rolling her eyes.

I nod my head and we all start eating. Over breakfast, we talk about upcoming clothing lines for the fall and new styling opportunities. We show each other our new sketches and agree on some while making the necessary changes.

When we're done, we all partake in cleaning up the kitchen. However, we couldn't finish even half of the food, so we decide to put it in disposable containers and bring it to a homeless shelter we frequently donate at. Once we're back in the car from the shelter, we decide to go to the mall. Zayn pulls up to the valet and we hop out and make our way inside.

Our first stop is Coach, then H&M, Armani, Bath & Body Works, Calvin Klein, Marc Jacobs, Pandora, and finally apple. Our hands are full of bags, but we stop to get slushies on the way out either way. Impulsive spending is kind of our thing.

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Taking our things upstairs with the help of a bell cart, we leave the things in the middle of the floor and head to my room. We sit together, play board games, and drift off to sleep not too long after.

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