I (Edited)

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Chapter One

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Hongjoong stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, his crimson eyes piercing the image that stared back at him. His hands, stained a deep red, haunted him as he tried to wash away the blood, scrubbing with a fervour that threatened to peel his skin. Frustration etched lines on his face as he gazed into his Snow White hair, feeling the weight of his actions.

Determined, he slid the hood of his jacket over his head, a sense of urgency pulsing through him. Grabbing his phone and pocketing it without bothering to turn off the lights, he left the apartment, the need to escape overwhelming him. He dashed into the night, the darkness of the forest beckoning, his feet carrying him without direction or purpose.

An hour earlier...

Standing over the lifeless body, Hongjoong's red eyes fixated on the pool of blood, a testament to his uncontrollable hunger. He blinked away the cloudiness in his vision, a single tear tracing a path down his cheek. His bloodstained hands weighed heavily as he gazed at the person he had inadvertently harmed. The hunger had overtaken him, yet he couldn't bring himself to feed.

Sirens in the distance shattered the eerie silence. The Vampire Extermination Unit would be on its way; someone must have witnessed the incident. Hongjoong turned towards the sound, the flashing lights illuminating the alleyway. With a last look at the fallen figure, he sprinted away, the voices growing fainter as he rushed back to his apartment to gather his belongings.

It was a vicious cycle he couldn't break free from—resisting his hunger until it consumed him, leading to the tragic end of an innocent life, forcing him to flee to another city.

Hours passed as Hongjoong ran through the rain-drenched forest, the hunger and exhaustion gnawing at him. His desperation intensified as he stumbled upon a deserted highway, leading him closer to the distant silhouette of a city. Approaching cautiously, he observed the bustling streets, an unfamiliarity that unsettled him. Pulling his hood tighter and masking his face, he ventured into a quieter street and found a convenience store.

Inside, he spotted only one person manning the register. Ensuring his features were hidden, he grabbed two bottles of water, knowing he couldn't consume anything else. His weariness and hunger blurred his vision, and he staggered towards the register, placing the bottles down.

"Six thousand won, please," the cashier's voice echoed from the register. Hongjoong reached into his pocket, only to realise he had left his money behind. His vision dimmed further, and he struggled to stay upright.

"Are you okay, sir?" Concern laced the cashier's words as they rushed to his side. Hongjoong faltered, surrendering to the darkness as he collapsed to the ground.

"Sir? Sir!" The last sounds he heard before everything faded to black.

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