XIII (Edited)

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Chapter Thirteen

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

The cacophony of chaos continued to reverberate around the bar as Hongjoong's senses gradually came back to him. Amidst the haze of dust and debris, he saw Seonghwa struggling to rise from the ground. Hongjoong's body tingled as he realised his wounds were miraculously fading away, leaving only faint scars in their wake. His instinct propelled him into action, propelling himself toward Seonghwa.

He darted over the littered remnants of the room, his heart pounding in his chest, until a looming presence halted him in his tracks. A figure draped in a red cloak, mirroring the one towering over Seonghwa, stood before Hongjoong, an intimidating and menacing presence.

Frozen with terror, Hongjoong gazed at the ominous figure. The crimson hue of the stranger's eyes, gleaming fangs illuminated by the neon lights, sent a chill down his spine. Memories of his previous encounter with a vampire flooded his mind, rendering him motionless and petrified with fear.

The cloaked figure's voice slithered through the air, dripping with a sinister allure. "I've never tasted another vampire's blood. But I'm sure it tasted just as sweet and delicious." The chilling words sent a shudder down Hongjoong's spine, paralysing him with dread. He braced for the imminent attack, closing his eyes and instinctively shielding himself.

Yet, the anticipated blow never came. Instead, a sudden thud pierced the tense silence. As Hongjoong cautiously opened his eyes, he saw Yunho, panting and bloodied, standing where the vampire had loomed moments before. The abrupt intervention left Hongjoong bewildered, a mix of shock and relief washing over him.

Without wasting a moment, Yunho seized Hongjoong's wrist, pulling him away from the danger. Hongjoong's concern for their friends weighed heavily on him as he scanned the rubble for any sign of Wooyoung and San. "What about Wooyoung and San?" he called out desperately as they hurried away from the chaos, the fear for their safety gnawing at him.

The chaos around them was overwhelming, debris strewn across the bar, flames flickering, and the air thick with tension. Hongjoong's heart raced, his thoughts a jumble of fear and urgency. As Yunho guided him through the shattered remnants of the bar, he cast anxious glances around, searching for any sign of their missing friends.

The acrid smell of smoke filled the air, mingling with the distant sounds of destruction. The image of Seonghwa facing off against the menacing figure flashed in Hongjoong's mind, adding to his mounting worry. But his immediate concern was for their friends' safety.

"Yunho, we can't leave without them," Hongjoong's voice quivered with concern, his eyes scanning the debris for any sign of Wooyoung or San. He halted momentarily, trying to catch a glimpse of their friends amidst the wreckage.

Yunho glanced around, his gaze mirroring Hongjoong's anxiety. "I couldn't see them, we need to get out now and regroup," Yunho's voice was strained, reflecting the urgency of the situation. His grip on Hongjoong's wrist tightened, his urgency palpable as he tugged him toward the exit.

The chaos seemed unending as Yunho dragged Hongjoong along, a sense of urgency propelling their escape. But their rush was abruptly halted when a figure darted past them, causing both to skid to a stop. As they turned, they were met with the sight of a man staggering to his knees, blood gushing from a gaping wound on his forehead.

Hovering behind the fallen vampire stood a tall figure, recognizable as Mingi, a VEU agent. The chaos continued to unfold, explosions echoing in the distance as Mingi's urgent command pierced through the tumultuous air. "Go! Get out!"

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