XXIV [Finale] (Edited)

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Chapter Twenty Four

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

In the wake of yet another agonising month, Seonghwa remained confined within the sterile walls of a secluded private hospital, ensconced alongside the surviving agents who had shared the night's calamity. His absence from Hongjoong's sight was a weighty concern that preyed upon the latter's mind. Though he had eluded the tumultuous events swiftly that night, the agents' worries over Seonghwa gnawed at Hongjoong's conscience, leaving him tethered to a maelstrom of confusion and fear.

In his troubled state, Hongjoong serendipitously crossed paths with his friends nearby. Their expressions mirrored his own turmoil—veiled with apprehension, confusion, and an unspoken sense of dread, reminiscent of the tempestuous aftermath of the harrowing encounter.

The VEU's official statement, a bittersweet revelation, bore both enlightenment and unsettling mysteries. It was a testament to the successful dismantling of The Veil cult, allegedly accomplished by the self-inflicted demise of the implicated vampires. Yet, this revelation unfurled a chilling narrative of events—the night's horrors unravelling before the agency's eyes. A haunting account surfaced, detailing the tragic final moments of the creatures before a phantom entity, ominously dubbed a 'ravenous beast,' unfurled its ferocity.

The report chronicled the beast's confrontation with the revered leader of the 1024th VEU squad, the very squadron Seonghwa helmed, emphasising its confrontation with Seonghwa and the dire aftermath. It assured the public of the beast's downfall, subdued after a frantic attempt to flee but succumbing to grievous injuries.

Seonghwa stirred, his eyes gradually unveiling a familiar scene: pristine white walls enveloping him, the sterile scent of antiseptic permeating the air. His gaze wandered around the empty confines of the hospital room, settling upon a delicate bouquet of vibrant yellow lilies stationed on a small table beside his bed. A melancholic undercurrent coursed through the room, woven into the fragrant blooms—an unspoken token, a wordless 'thank you.'

The significance wasn't lost on Seonghwa; these lilies, a silent emissary, bore the mark of the one soul he'd shared his affinity for these blossoms with—none other than the enigmatic black-haired vampire, Hongjoong. A tender smile ghosted across Seonghwa's lips at the memory of their shared conversations about these particular flowers, an unspoken yet profound connection.

In that fleeting moment, however, a maelstrom of conflicting emotions surged within him. Confusion wrestled with his convictions. How could he reconcile this newfound warmth toward someone he once despised? The term 'vampire' lingered ominously in his thoughts, laden with the weight of their tumultuous past.

Yet, amidst this swirling uncertainty, Seonghwa unearthed a startling realisation—a truth that pierced through the fog of disdain and resentment. Hongjoong, despite the chasm between their worlds, held an indelible place in his heart. Their differences no longer seemed insurmountable; the word 'monster' dissolved into insignificance in the wake of a bond that transcended societal definitions. Love, a force unbounded by norms, had woven its intricate web between them, rendering the barriers inconsequential.

For Seonghwa, Hongjoong was more than the label of a vampire or the bearer of tragic circumstances; he was a cherished fragment of his existence, defying the stereotypes and engendering a realm where compassion and connection eclipsed prejudice.

As Seonghwa's contemplations swirled in the quiet of the hospital room, a gentle intrusion disrupted his reverie—a soft-spoken nurse entering with a warm smile adorning her face.

"Good morning. You're finally awake," she greeted him softly, her presence a comforting reassurance in the sterile environment.

Seonghwa's brow furrowed in surprise. "How long was I out?"

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