XXIII (Edited)

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Chapter Twenty Three

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In the passing days, a relentless determination possessed Seonghwa. His focus on work became almost unbreakable, a resolve mirrored in the increased intensity of his efforts. Mingi, Yeosang, and Jongho exchanged perplexed glances, noting the uncharacteristic dedication that had overtaken their usually composed colleague. Nights at the office grew long and exhausting as Seonghwa meticulously poured over reports, ensuring every detail was meticulously attended to.

True to his word, the long-awaited shipment of weapon materials had arrived, signalling a significant upgrade from his old, trusty pistol. The new addition was an extended rifle, a considerable leap from his previous firearm. Its aesthetic was striking, adorned with a beautifully laminated wood finish and intricate gold embroidery adorning the base. As he grasped the rifle, its weight felt surprisingly light in his hands, a testament to its fine craftsmanship.

Seonghwa carefully cradled the rifle, assessing its balance and weight distribution with the practised eye of a seasoned agent. His fingers traced along the gun's barrel, scrutinising the rifling marks and the precision of its construction. As he tested the weight, he felt the equilibrium perfectly distributed, a testament to the rifle's ergonomic design.

His inspection methodically ventured from the muzzle to the buttstock, evaluating every detail. He checked the forend, examining its texture for a comfortable grip, while his thumb instinctively brushed over the safety mechanism, ensuring its effortless manoeuvrability. With deft fingers, he assessed the trigger pull, noting its responsiveness and smooth action.

A smile of genuine satisfaction curved Seonghwa's lips as he expressed his gratitude to Mr. Lee. "The balance is impeccable, and the weight is surprisingly lighter than expected for a rifle of this calibre. The craftsmanship is truly exceptional," he complimented, acknowledging the meticulous craftsmanship with genuine admiration. Mr. Lee, with a modest smile, simply nodded in acknowledgment, dismissing the praise with a wave of his hand.

Seonghwa's mind buzzed with a maddening blend of determination and turmoil. The VEU was orchestrating a meticulous plan, gearing up for an impending confrontation, amassing intelligence from spies and pinpointing the Veil's new hideout. However, amidst the strategizing and preparations, an insidious thought gnawed at Seonghwa's consciousness like a persistent itch.

What if he encountered Hongjoong during the operation? The very idea sent shivers down his spine, an inescapable dilemma that tormented him. Hongjoong, entwined with the enemy faction, implicated in grave crimes including the death of Seonghwa's mother. The mere prospect of facing him in the field filled Seonghwa with a deep sense of unease.

His mind revisited that harrowing night when Hongjoong, the revelation of his affiliation unravelling Seonghwa's world, had unexpectedly appeared at his door. The confrontation was emotionally turbulent, a storm of disbelief and rage colliding within Seonghwa. He remembered the desperate urge to expel Hongjoong from his life, the vehement screams demanding his departure.

When Hongjoong finally left and Seonghwa slammed the door shut, the facade he had maintained crumbled. Collapsing against the door, he descended into an abyss of despair. His emotions overwhelmed him, rendering him a broken figure curled on the floor, knees drawn close, head buried within, seeking refuge from the agonising reality. Each heartbeat echoed the wrenching conflict raging within him.

Hatred, betrayal, and anguish mingled in a tumultuous storm within him. Despite his repeated affirmations that Hongjoong had betrayed him, a part of Seonghwa grappled with unresolved sentiments, seeking to push them aside.

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