VI (Edited)

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Chapter Six

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Hongjoong perched on a stool at the bar, observing the array of liquor bottles lining the dark oak shelves. Yunho, behind the counter, meticulously polished glasses, while San, seated next to Hongjoong, engrossed himself in his phone. The silence between them was palpable, each immersed in their private thoughts.

Breaking the quietude, Yunho offered, "Would you like a coffee or anything?" His gaze lingered on Hongjoong, who nodded with a polite smile. Yunho embarked on his task, skillfully manoeuvring behind the barista, executing a seemingly effortless process of brewing coffee. Hongjoong watched, transfixed by the fluidity of Yunho's movements.

As Yunho handed him the steaming mug, Hongjoong caught a glimpse of a small box that Yunho retrieved from beneath the counter. Opening it, Yunho extracted a container of pills, discreetly dropping one into the coffee and stirring it. A hint of confusion marred Hongjoong's expression, prompting Yunho to elucidate.

"These are drugs, meant to help us blend in," Yunho explained. He revealed three containers—one enabling the consumption of human beverages, another for human food, and a larger one curbing the thirst for blood. Observing the labels, Hongjoong absorbed the gravity of their purpose.

"Let me explain," Yunho began, his tone turning measured and earnest. He gestured towards the containers, "These supplements are crucial for our existence amidst humans."

Pointing to the 'thirst supplements,' Yunho continued, "This one regulates our thirst. It's a substitute for blood, curbing our need while allowing us to maintain a facade." He stressed the importance of consistent usage, cautioning against overconsumption that could result in dire consequences.

Yunho then indicated the 'drink supplements.' "This enables us to drink human beverages without any adverse effects," he elaborated, emphasising the need for discretion and the pills' temporary efficacy.

Finally, Yunho turned to the 'food supplements.' "This particular drug allows us to consume human food," he clarified. "However, it's crucial to take it ten minutes before eating. It mimics the human digestion process temporarily, but your body may react adversely if not used cautiously."

"Yunho... what's in these...?" Hongjoong looked down at the pills, his voice small.

"Maybe it's for the best that you don't know." was Yunho's reply. And deep down, Hongjoong seemed to have an idea.

He locked eyes with Hongjoong, the weight of his words hanging in the air. "But please, be cautious. These drugs are a delicate balance. Mishandling them can have severe consequences," Yunho stressed, a tinge of concern in his voice.

Hongjoong absorbed every detail, feeling the gravity of the responsibility that came with these supplements. The magnitude of integrating into human society, concealing his true nature, and relying on these pills to navigate his new existence weighed heavily on his mind. It was a daunting revelation, the pivotal point at which his life was irrevocably altered.

As Yunho returned to his work behind the bar, Hongjoong contemplated the tiny box and its contents, contemplating the immense transformation his life was about to undertake—a life dictated by pills and a careful masquerade.

He was so overwhelmed. He was overwhelmed with the idea of taking drugs to maintain his life. He was overwhelmed with the idea of joining an organisation with other vampires like him. He was overwhelmed with being in a large city where VEU agents patrol almost every corner every second of the day. And he was most overwhelmed with the idea of living a somewhat normal life and putting up a facade and lying to everyone around him that he was just a regular human living a regular life.

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