XX (Edited)

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Chapter Twenty

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Seonghwa and Yeosang stood before an enigmatic building, its silent facade and absence of light shrouding it in an eerie aura. Their eyes scanned the quiet surroundings, finding no sign of life. "Are you sure this is the right place?" Seonghwa questioned, his gaze fixed on Yeosang, seeking assurance.

"It has to be," Yeosang affirmed, his grip tightening around the shiny silver briefcase he carried. Seonghwa frowned, the incredulousness of the situation evident in his expression. "If the director hears about this, we're done for," he muttered, the weight of potential repercussions weighing heavily on his mind.

The two agents cautiously entered the building, the silence broken by the distant sound of music echoing through the hallway. Each step they took was measured, a blend of alertness and apprehension guiding their movements. They navigated through the corridors, their eyes keenly scanning their surroundings, prepared for any unexpected encounter.

The corridor led into a sprawling, bustling room with a lively party unfurling below them. Seonghwa leaned close to Yeosang, his voice barely audible above the music. "Stay low, avoid contact with anyone," he instructed, receiving an affirming nod from his colleague. Descending the stairs, they cautiously made their way into the boisterous gathering. They noticed two men huddled together at the bar and subtly approached, taking seats on adjacent barstools. Seonghwa motioned the bartender over.

"I'll have a glass of bourbon, thanks," Seonghwa ordered, Yeosang echoing the same request. As they awaited their drinks, they discreetly tuned in to the conversations swirling around them.

Yeosang quirked an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Really, hyung? Drinking on the job?" he teased, glancing at Seonghwa.

"Shh—" Seonghwa hushed, his eyes flicking around the room.

"What the hell? Don't tell me to shush—" Yeosang started, his voice louder than intended.

"Shut up!" Seonghwa hissed, a sense of urgency in his tone. He raised a finger to his lips, signalling for Yeosang to listen closely to the surrounding chatter.

In the midst of the party's buzz, Seonghwa caught snippets of a conversation nearby. "Five hundred thousand for ten pills. They're all yours, buddy," one guy mentioned to another. Sensing something important, Seonghwa gestured to Yeosang, subtly indicating they should pay attention. They continued sipping their drinks, keeping an ear on the exchange.

"Remember, the effects will only boost your abilities to that of a level class A vampire. But one pill lasts only an hour and increases your thirst," the man continued.

Seonghwa's eyes widened, glancing at Yeosang to share his surprise. As the transaction concluded, Seonghwa downed the remainder of his drink and stood up. He approached the man who had just bought the drugs and took a seat beside him. Seonghwa signalled for the waiter and ordered two glasses of whiskey. "Allow me to buy you a drink," he offered, extending a friendly smile. The man raised an eyebrow, clearly puzzled.

"Kang Jaemin. I couldn't help but overhear," Seonghwa said, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Who are you?" The man asked sceptically, eyeing Seonghwa warily.

"You could say I'm just an interested customer," Seonghwa replied with a serene smile, taking a sip of his whiskey.

"I'm gonna have to ask for your ID, sir," the man demanded cautiously.

In a sudden panic, Seonghwa fumbled through his blazer pockets, a fake smile plastered on his face. "Aha, it's got to be here somewhere," he nervously chuckled while continuing to search. But as the tension grew and the guy's patience dwindled, Seonghwa's smile faltered, desperation evident in his eyes. With no other option in sight, he made a drastic move. In a swift motion, he threw a punch, rendering the guy unconscious.

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