XIV (Edited)

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Chapter Fourteen

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Seonghwa's eyes fluttered open, but the brightness in the room felt piercing. His hand instinctively moved to his head, feeling a coarse bandage wrapped around it. The room around him seemed sterile, the walls painted a stark white, and the scent of antiseptic hung in the air. He recognized the low hum of monitors, their rhythmic beeping a constant background noise. On the wall opposite the bed stood a tall mirror, reflecting a fractured version of himself.

Staring at his reflection, he noticed the pain etched across his face. His body ached, and the sight of his injuries—his left arm and leg encased in casts, bandages dressing his forehead and abdomen—jolted his memory. Everything flooded back, the chaotic events from the night before, the terror of the attack.

He felt numb, but the agony that surged through him made him acutely aware of the reality of his injuries. How had things spiralled to this point? What had led to this devastation? The reflection offered no answers, only a broken image of a man he could hardly recognize.

And then he remembered.

Seonghwa's vision blurred, his surroundings a chaotic mess of smoke, dust, and menacing laughter. He held onto Hongjoong's hand with all his strength, desperately attempting to guide them through the tumult of the exploding bar. Amidst the cacophony, a malicious laugh rang out, followed by billowing smoke that obscured his sight. His grip faltered, and then everything faded into darkness.

When Seonghwa came to, a looming figure in a red hood stood over him, the sinister sound of the vampire's laughter filling the air. The vampire raised an old-fashioned sword, poised for a deadly strike. Bracing for impact, Seonghwa shut his eyes, yet the anticipated blow never came. Upon opening his eyes, he found the vampire collapsed, a pool of blood forming around him. Yeosang stood protectively before him, wielding his glowing whip. He extended a hand to help Seonghwa up, brushing off the debris from his clothes.

"Backup's on the way. You got any gear on you?" Yeosang inquired.

"Ever seen a bar welcome rifles?" Seonghwa responded with a hint of sarcasm, adjusting his stance and noticing the gash on his left leg. Wincing, he attempted to walk, struggling against the pain. Yeosang lent his support, wrapping an arm around Seonghwa's back to assist him.

As they made their way toward the demolished entryway, Yeosang shared reassuring news about their teammates' safety. Mingi and Jongho were outside, aiding others to safety. Seonghwa breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that they were unharmed. "Let's get out of here," Yeosang said, and Seonghwa nodded, trying to bear his weight as best as he could.

But just as they approached the exit, another burst of laughter reverberated, followed by a sudden explosion. The roof crumbled, debris cascading down along with clouds of dust and smoke, obstructing their path to safety.

Seonghwa stirred from his thoughts by the intrusive ringing of his phone nearby. His gaze fell upon the table beside the bed, the screen illuminating with an incoming call. An unfamiliar number flashed on the screen, urging Seonghwa to hesitate momentarily. Nevertheless, he answered, assuming it might be someone from work.

"Hello?" His voice, husky and scratchy from just waking up, sounded groggy. He cleared his throat, awaiting the response from the unknown caller.

"Um.. hi." The voice on the other end was timid, instantly recognizable to Seonghwa.

"Hongjoong? Hey, what's up? Did something happen? Are you okay?" Seonghwa's tone carried a tinge of concern and urgency. Yet, his worry eased as he heard the faint chuckle on the other end, a sound that brought a smile to his face.

"You're the one that told me to call you."

Seonghwa chuckled softly in return, feeling a mix of relief and warmth hearing Hongjoong's voice. It was reassuring to know that his friend was alright, even though the reason for the call might have been something else entirely.

Seonghwa felt an odd mix of emotions swirl within him, hearing Hongjoong's voice across the line. The conversation was strained with an underlying tension that left both unsure how to proceed.

"I'm fine. I found Yunho quickly after we got separated and we were able to escape," Hongjoong replied, glossing over the intense encounters they faced the night before. Seonghwa's relief was palpable, though the silence that followed grew increasingly awkward.

"Uh.. I uh... I'm sorry this is a little awkward huh?" Seonghwa chuckled, attempting to ease the tension. His attempt, however, met an unexpected response—soft giggles emanating from the other end. It caught Seonghwa off guard, causing an unfamiliar warmth to stir within him.

"What was that?" Hongjoong's question revealed that he had heard the giggle, sending a wave of embarrassment through Seonghwa.

"It's... uh... Nothing. Just a mosquito," Seonghwa blurted, hoping to cover up his reaction, but internally cringing at his excuse. He cursed himself silently and attempted to mask any further reaction. However, the memory of those giggles lingered, painting a vivid image of Hongjoong, triggering an inexplicable longing.

Seonghwa's mind wandered, imagining what Hongjoong might be doing at that moment. Was he lounging on his bed, lost in a book, or perhaps sharing a laugh with his friends at the restaurant?

The thought alone stirred an unusual feeling inside Seonghwa, one he couldn't quite shake off.

Seonghwa felt a knot tighten in his chest at the sudden uneasiness in Hongjoong's voice. It was as if the conversation had taken an unexpected turn, leaving both of them unsettled. And oddly, Seonghwa found his own chest tightening in response to the palpable tension.

As the conversation hit an awkward pause, Seonghwa heard the subtle sounds of Hongjoong's breathing. "W-what about you?" the other asked, trying to break the silence.

"Hm? I'm fine," Seonghwa replied, his voice straight and calm as ever, slightly brushing past the fact he was currently hospitalised and had a fractured arm and leg.

"O-okay. That's good." Hongjoong stuttered.

Just then, a knock interrupted their conversation. "Hey uh... Hongjoong, I've gotta go. You... won't mind if I call you later, right?"

"Uh yeah- no, absolutely. You're probably very busy, I shouldn't have called. I-I'll uhh... yeah- I'll get going now," Hongjoong spoke hurriedly, his words coming out in a rush.

"No, Hongjoong! That's not what I-'' Seonghwa tried to clarify, but the line was cut abruptly. He let out a sigh, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment, and laid back on the pillow.

The door creaked open, and in walked three familiar and concerned faces. Yeosang was the first to speak, worry etched on his face. "Oh my god, hyung, you're awake. We were so worried." He wrapped his arms gently around Seonghwa, careful due to his injuries, but Seonghwa smiled warmly in gratitude.

"Thank you guys, really, for worrying about me. But I'm fine. I'll be good as new by tomorrow, and then we're all back to work," Seonghwa assured optimistically, eliciting groans from the others.

As Seonghwa prepared to leave, his phone buzzed. He hoped it was Hongjoong, but it turned out to be a message from the director. "Come on, guys, no slacking. We're needed at headquarters," Seonghwa read aloud, seeing the message.

"Headquarters?" Jongho questioned, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Yeah, the base in Busan?" Mingi added, his brow furrowing. Seonghwa confirmed with a nod, noticing a pair of crutches nearby which he used to support himself.

"There's a big conference meeting, and the director specifically asked for us. This case has gotten a lot more serious," Seonghwa informed, a sense of urgency lacing his words.

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