IX (Edited)

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Chapter Nine

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

A week had slipped by quickly, yet it felt like an eternity to Hongjoong as he navigated this new life. Adjusting to a semblance of normalcy was a relief, but it was far from the life of anonymity he had once craved. Consistency settled in his routine—taking his pills, acclimating to his job, and gradually connecting with other vampires, their hidden identities tied together by this restaurant. Yet, beneath the surface, a silent anxiety simmered. It was a world where hiding in plain sight was both a necessity and a constant fear.

The encounters with other vampires intrigued him, especially Felix and Chris, a displaced couple from Australia. Their stories echoed his own—a tale of fleeing, hiding, and a precarious existence in the shadows. Conversations with them revealed the vast, concealed world of vampires, existing surreptitiously among the oblivious humans.

One quiet night, Hongjoong was locking up the restaurant alone. Darkness clung to the corners, and every creak seemed to amplify in the eerie quietude. He moved through the empty space, the sound of his footsteps amplifying his solitude. The thought of being alone at such an hour was unnerving. The back alley was a narrow passage veiled in shadows, its eerie silence amplified by the night's hush.

The solitude was disrupted by a sudden metallic crash, jolting Hongjoong's heart. A swift turn revealed a wandering cat emerging from the shadows. Relief flooded him, laughter bubbling at his own skittishness. He bent down, offering a comforting hand to the stray feline. Cradling the cat, he made an impromptu decision. "Wanna come back to my place? San wouldn't mind," he murmured softly.

A brief sprint to his apartment was all he wanted now. The deserted plaza seemed ominous, every sound amplified in the stillness. His pace quickened, a slight panic stirring within. His phone call to San for comfort went unanswered, adding to his unease. A sense of foreboding lurked around the dark corners as he traversed the desolate path.

The abrupt screech of the cat yanked Hongjoong out of his thoughts. Panic clawed at his throat as he turned to confront a figure, his heart slamming against his ribs. A man stood before him, clad in a black trench coat, radiating an ominous aura that sent shivers down Hongjoong's spine. Crimson eyes glinted in the night, and sharp fangs glistened under the scarce light, sending a chill down his spine. "What's a little vampire like you doing out here at a time like this?" the man spoke, his voice a sinister growl.

Hongjoong's heart raced, fear wrapping around his chest like a vice. The man's supernatural abilities rendered him almost defenceless. The encounter escalated into a nightmarish chase. Each frantic step echoed in the empty plaza as he evaded the man's ferocious assault, his mind a whirlwind of fear and desperation.

The relentless pursuit brought them to a confrontation, leaving Hongjoong vulnerable and trembling. His quick movements were no match for the man's speed. Clawed attacks sliced through the air, barely missing Hongjoong. The looming threat bore down on him, pushing him to his limits. He could feel the fear coiling in his chest, threatening to burst.

Just as the assailant readied himself for another attack, a gunshot shattered the silence. The man crumpled, crashing to the ground. Shock etched on Hongjoong's face as he turned, his gaze locking onto Seonghwa and Mingi, accompanied by another man. Their presence was both relief and terror, a conflict of emotions that overwhelmed him.

In that tense moment, the deafening echo of the gunshot reverberated through the desolate night, a startling punctuation in the silence. The vampire, a menacing presence just seconds ago, collapsed in a motionless heap upon the gritty pavement. Hongjoong's wide eyes shifted to the figures behind the fallen attacker—Seonghwa, Mingi, and an unfamiliar man. Seonghwa, donned in his trademark black tailored suit, held a rifle, its presence striking in the dim light. But amidst the fear and confusion, a thread of relief weaved through Hongjoong's terror; yet, it was tethered to the apprehension of the unknown that lay ahead.

Seonghwa's concern was palpable as he swiftly discarded the gun, hurrying to Hongjoong's side. Panic and disbelief held Hongjoong captive; his body trembled with shock. His injuries, though beginning to heal, left a throbbing ache, and the steady trickle of blood down his face was a disconcerting reminder of the violent confrontation. The world around him blurred, sounds fading into a muted hum as his consciousness teetered on the edge. It felt like a surreal nightmare, the edges of reality melting into an engulfing darkness.

A moment of vertigo seized him, and his strength faltered, the ground looming closer. The warmth enveloping him was a fleeting reassurance, a fragile barrier against the encroaching oblivion. His vision wavered, the weight of unconsciousness beckoning him into its enigmatic embrace. With an abrupt collision against the harsh ground, everything dissolved into obsidian darkness.

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