XIX (Edited)

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Chapter Nineteen

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In the past two weeks, Seonghwa had been pulled into a whirlwind of relentless work, caught in an unending cycle between the VEU headquarters and patrolling the streets. The weight of responsibility bore heavily on his shoulders, forcing him into a ceaseless routine that left little room for respite. Sleep became a luxury, a fleeting acquaintance he rarely had the chance to indulge in.

Days blurred into nights as the city found itself confined within the restrictive confines of the lockdown. Seonghwa, along with the entire VEU, remained on high alert, their duties magnified in the face of the imposed restrictions. His office became both his sanctuary and prison, witnessing sleepless nights and never-ending tasks. Files piled high on his desk, a constant reminder of the mounting workload, while the influx of emails seemed ceaseless, a digital tide that swept away any semblance of free time.

His intentions to meet up with Hongjoong lingered in the back of his mind, a promise made but impossible to fulfil amidst the chaos. The suspicions they harboured regarding the restaurant dwindled after thorough investigations, leaving Seonghwa with no substantial evidence to act upon. Yet, the fleeting moments of respite and the growing desire to reconnect with his new friend remained elusive, drowned amidst the obligations that consumed his life.

Seonghwa found himself yearning for a moment of normalcy, for the chance to sit across from Hongjoong, savouring a cup of coffee without the weight of duty pressing down on his shoulders. But with each passing day, it felt like that chance drifted further away, lost in the haze of responsibilities that seemed to multiply with every breath.

In the weeks following their initial meeting, Hongjoong grappled with a whirlwind of emotions triggered by the encounter with the agent. Every time Seonghwa extended an invitation to hang out, Hongjoong's heart raced, a conflicting mix of fear and curiosity gripping him. He couldn't shake off the weight of paranoia, constantly reminding himself that this was a man who could end his life without a second thought. As a result, Hongjoong found himself offering excuses, deflecting the invitations under the guise of being occupied with work or other commitments.

The restaurant, facing the brunt of the curfew due to the lockdown, had to adapt its operating hours, opening earlier than usual. Surprisingly, this change seemed to draw a larger crowd of customers, amplifying the usual chaos of their daily operations.

Meanwhile, within their small circle, discussions revolved around strategic meetings aimed at gathering further information about the ongoing events. Hongjoong dutifully relayed every detail he could glean from his interactions with Seonghwa to San. The two of them sat in earnest conversation, contemplating their next moves and the implications of the intelligence they possessed.

"Given that they've sidelined the Busan incident, you should be in the clear. If they haven't made progress by now, they're probably focusing their efforts elsewhere," San speculated, leaning back comfortably on the couch. Hongjoong, perched on an armchair, mulled over San's words, hoping they held true. Yet, a nagging unease persisted within him, a constant reminder that their investigations were far from over.

"Oh right! I forgot!" San exclaimed, jolting up as a sudden memory struck him. He disappeared into his room, reemerging into the living room clutching a piece of paper. "I found this at our door when I got back today." He extended the paper to Hongjoong—a vividly decorated invitation, embellished with vibrant colours and flashy fonts. It was addressed specifically to Hongjoong, inviting him to a party at a club unfamiliar to him.

"It's a little suspicious, isn't it?" Hongjoong arched an eyebrow, scanning the contents of the invitation. The venue was an unknown club, adding to the enigmatic nature of the invitation.

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