XXI (Edited)

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Chapter Twenty One

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Seonghwa's morning began in a rush, the persistent buzz of his alarm pulling him from the depths of sleep. His eyes blinked open, greeted by the gentle dawn filtering through the windows. Rubbing his temples, he grumbled a faint acknowledgment to the alarm before forcing himself upright. The cool linens fell back into place behind him as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

The hot spray of the shower eased the tension in his muscles, offering a brief respite from the chaos awaiting him outside. He dressed quickly, his fingers deftly buttoning up the black suit he'd worn too many times to count. Strands of hair fell across his forehead, prompting an exasperated sigh as he slicked them back with practised precision.

As he strode towards the kitchen, the familiar scent of brewing coffee beckoned, but an abrupt change of plans redirected him to the tap. Filling a glass with water, he pivoted towards the guest bedroom, a sense of foreboding gnawing at his insides.

The tentative knock echoed faintly in the hallway, a gesture riddled with hesitance. Yet, silence persisted within, amplifying the unrest pooling within him. Concern etched his features, softening the determined lines as he turned the doorknob.

The creak of the door revealed her, seated on the bed, an air of introspection enveloping her. The glass of water found its place on the bedside table, a feeble offering amidst the overwhelming uncertainty. With careful steps, Seonghwa settled beside her, the bed dipping slightly under his weight. His gaze, a blend of worry and empathy, rested on her downcast hands. There, in that moment, words seemed inadequate against the weight of unspoken fears.

"Hey." His voice was gentle, a tender contrast to his formal appearance. "How are you feeling?"

"What the hell do you want?" Jennie recoiled slightly as Seonghwa reached out to comfort her, his intentions veering into discomfort.

"Listen, I'm not here to harm you. I won't hand you over to the VEU if you help me by answering a few questions." Seonghwa's words were a mix of reassurance and earnest plea. At that, Jennie's gaze lifted to meet Seonghwa, her expression a mix of uncertainty and guardedness.

"First, tell me why I'm here," she demanded.

Seonghwa exhaled, a sigh laden with the weight of recent events. "After the building collapsed, VEU backup arrived, and the vampires scattered. I stayed behind to sift through the debris for clues. That's when I found you, unconscious amidst the wreckage. Initially, I considered turning you over to the VEU, but they'd have disposed of you on the spot. However, I need answers. Answers that no one else seems able to provide."

"If your boss finds out, you'll be as good as dead," Jennie warned, her tone tinged with concern.

"And I'm willing to take that risk," Seonghwa affirmed, his expression resolute and firm.

Jennie sighed, her gaze drifting upwards. She reached for the glass of water, though it wasn't what she truly needed at that moment. Downing it in one go, she glanced at Seonghwa as he produced a container of drugs he had seized the night before. "Can you tell me what this is?"

"They're drugs. The Veil uses them to enhance their strength levels. They can elevate even a level class C vampire to the prowess of a class A. They're perilous. Lethal, even for the consumer. They drive you to madness, a relentless hunger that consumes all control. And they're targeting the VEU. They'll stop at nothing to bring you down. There's no stopping them now," Jennie explained, her voice holding a mix of urgency and worry.

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