VII (Edited)

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Chapter Seven

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Seonghwa found himself stationed at the bustling entrance of the building, an observer of the ceaseless activity that defined the Seoul streets. While the city surged with life, his focus zeroed in on the task at hand—the investigative report. Pages flipped, pens scribbled, and his keen eye scanned over the harrowing details of an unprecedented case.

This particular incident was a labyrinth of horror and mystery. The victim's body, a macabre sight, told a haunting story—a tale etched in gory scratches and a tragic void of blood. Photos of the crime scene unveiled a gruesome reality; the skin, marred by deep wounds, lay exposed, a canvas of violence. Seonghwa studied these images, delving into the sinister narrative they conveyed. The sight made his stomach churn, yet he persisted, driven by an unrelenting pursuit of truth.

While meticulously examining the evidence, seated on a nearby bench, he was abruptly interrupted by the presence of another. A shadow loomed over him, casting an unexpected interruption. Glancing up, he was met by the sight of a shorter man, radiating an infectious smile.

The man's demeanour exuded an odd blend of innocence and mystery. His striking bleach-blond hair framed a face adorned with brown lens glasses, adding an air of quirkiness to his otherwise sharp features. Clad in a yellow sweater, snug against his frame, and paired with light denim jeans, he presented an enigmatic figure.

"Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to be a VEU agent patrolling, would you?" the man inquired, his smile etching deeper as he waved with deliberate gentleness.

Seonghwa, maintaining a composed exterior, gathered his papers discreetly, concealing the classified details from prying eyes. "Depends on who's asking?" he responded, his tone cautious yet neutral.

The man shared concerns about an attack nearby, hinting at working downtown. However, Seonghwa remained reticent, adhering to confidentiality protocols. His intention to leave was clear, yet a lingering sense of intrigue prompted a final query, his gaze scrutinising the man's every move.

"You said you worked nearby? Where, specifically?" Seonghwa probed, observing the man's swift concealment of emotion behind a practised smile.

The man, evasive yet affable, spoke vaguely of a "small restaurant downtown," teasing a sense of prominence without divulging specifics. As he bid farewell with a cheerful wave, Seonghwa pivoted, silently surveying the direction the man threaded. The man watched as the agent lifted an eyebrow, urging for him to be more specific. "Well then, Mr agent, I'll be out of your hair now. Gotta get to work, y'know?" The man waved and smiled once more before turning on his heel and walking off towards the main city. Seonghwa turned his body around and studied the direction he was walking in.

His gaze lingered on the retreating figure, mulling over the encounter. There was an air of mystery surrounding the man's abrupt departure, leaving behind an inexplicable sense of curiosity. The details shared were sparse, yet the implications loomed large, signalling the potential for concealed truths. Seonghwa contemplated, pondering the significance of the encounter amidst the vivid hum of the city streets.

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Amidst the cozy ambience of the restaurant, Yunho, San, and Hongjoong engaged in light conversation, their voices weaving an atmosphere of camaraderie. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, adding to the warmth that enveloped the space.

In this congenial setting, Hongjoong found himself slowly opening up to his newfound companions. Conversations flowed effortlessly as they shared glimpses of their lives. Yunho, a college student with a passion for dance, painted a picture of a seemingly ordinary life that Hongjoong couldn't help but envy. San, the cheerful and exuberant personality, revealed his connection to the convenience store, a front for the clandestine organisation, extending a job offer to Hongjoong—an invitation he graciously accepted for the future.

As the trio indulged in conversation, the restaurant's door swung open, announcing the arrival of a man whose blond hair clung to his forehead, sweat glistening on his skin as he caught his breath. Yunho, rising from his seat, strode toward the newcomer, breaking the congenial atmosphere with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Look who decided to grace us with his presence," Yunho greeted, attempting to mask his underlying concern.

"I ran into a 'Raven' on the streets," Wooyoung explained, a nonchalant tone belying the gravity of his words.

Yunho's reaction, a blend of shock and exasperation, filled the room, causing Hongjoong's heartbeat to quicken in apprehension. The term 'Raven' sparked a curiosity that mingled with a growing sense of unease.

Puzzled, Hongjoong interjected, seeking clarity about the term and the implied threat. Yunho's explanation painted a stark reality—an existence shrouded in secrecy, avoiding encounters with the VEU agents, the 'Ravens,' to safeguard their clandestine lives. The gravity of the situation settled on Hongjoong, understanding the perilous stakes he was now a part of.

Yunho's directive to hope for minimal suspicion from the encounter with the 'Raven' resonated, an unspoken prayer that the dangerous gaze of the authorities wouldn't linger.

Wooyoung, seemingly unfazed, tried to diffuse the tension, which only agitated Yunho further. The contrasting reactions between the two men threw a spotlight on the complexities of their shared existence—a life balanced on the edge of discovery and anonymity.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, Wooyoung's lively disposition shone through, welcoming Hongjoong with infectious enthusiasm. His spirited introduction, Yunho's cousin and co-manager of the establishment, painted a picture of familial warmth within the organisation.

San, a buoyant presence, claimed credit for rescuing Hongjoong, wearing his pride like a badge as he joined the camaraderie.

As the group settled, a chime resonated from the entrance, interrupting the congeniality. All heads turned toward the source, observing the arrival of two men—one adorned in a tailored suit, exuding authority, and the other in casual attire, exuding a sense of nonchalance.

Yunho's pivot toward the newcomers and subsequent interaction with the man in the suit revealed a palpable tension. The abrupt change in atmosphere cast a shadow over the previously amiable ambiance. The man's stern inquiry and the flicker of a VEU badge heralded an unforeseen turn, leaving Wooyoung on edge, a knot of tension tightening in the pit of his stomach.

The words hung in the air—"Are you the owner?"—uttered with a gravity that echoed through the restaurant, injecting a sense of foreboding into the serene setting. Wooyoung, caught off guard, stood in the spotlight of scrutiny, unsure of what was to follow.

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