VIII (Edited)

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Chapter Eight

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Seonghwa, returning to the building after the peculiar encounter with the locals, sought out his teammates in the main hall. He found Mingi and Yeosang engrossed in conversation with other agents, briefly interrupting them with a tap on Mingi's shoulder. Mingi, turning toward Seonghwa, inquired about their discoveries.

"I need your help finding someone," Seonghwa murmured discreetly to Mingi.

"Sure. Let's head back to the office," Mingi responded, and the two departed, leaving Yeosang to continue the investigation at the crime scene.

Arriving at their office, Mingi swiftly set up his workstation, booting up the computer and organising documents. Seonghwa, leaning in closely, conveyed the urgency of their search.

"We're looking for someone who works at a popular restaurant nearby," Seonghwa explained.

"That's a needle in a haystack. Any specifics?" Mingi queried. Seonghwa shook his head, his attention fixed on the screen displaying the surroundings of the main plaza.

"He ran off toward the main plaza," Seonghwa recalled.

"Alright, that's a start," Mingi acknowledged, navigating through online databases. With focused determination, he stumbled upon a page labelled 'Jung's Pizzeria' and paused at Seonghwa's prompt.

"Wait," Seonghwa exclaimed, prompting Mingi to halt. Adjusting the screen's view, they discovered a photo of the blonde man—Jung Wooyoung—identifying him as the co-manager of the pizzeria.

"That's our guy," Seonghwa affirmed, patting Mingi's shoulder in gratitude. Ready to take action, Seonghwa gestured to leave.

"Wait, where are we going?" Mingi questioned, puzzled by Seonghwa's sudden urgency. He quickly caught up as they headed back to their car, Seonghwa determinedly leading the way toward the main plaza.

Approaching the pizzeria's glass doors, Seonghwa and Mingi entered without preamble, confronting four men at the bar. Yunho, one of the patrons, turned toward them, issuing a standard statement about the establishment's closure. Seonghwa, however, swiftly revealed his VEU badge, his tone commanding authority.

"Are you the owner?" Seonghwa addressed Wooyoung, whose unease was palpable.

"Yes, I am," Wooyoung replied, gathering his composure as Hongjoong and San observed the unfolding scene with apprehension.

The formal introduction of Officers Park Seonghwa and Song Mingi set the stage for an interrogation. Wooyoung complied, leading the officers to a nearby table, a mixture of concern and anticipation lingering in the air.

The formal introduction of Officers Park Seonghwa and Song Mingi set the stage for an interrogation. Wooyoung complied, leading the officers to a nearby table, a mixture of concern and anticipation lingering in the air.

Following the interrogation, Seonghwa proposed further inquiries directed toward Yunho, San, and Hongjoong. Seonghwa's poised demeanour, coupled with Mingi's observant scrutiny, set the tone for the questioning.

"Please state your name, age, and occupation before we begin with any questions," Officer Park Seonghwa requested, his voice carrying a composed authority.

Yunho, maintaining his calm demeanour, replied first. "My name is Jeong Yunho, twenty-two years old, and I'm the owner and manager of the restaurant."

San, looking rather confident, followed suit. "I'm Choi San, also twenty-two, and I basically work here whenever I'm not in class."

Hongjoong, feeling a nervous energy simmer within, hesitated before answering. "Um... I'm... Kim Hongjoong... twenty-three... and uh... I'm kind of new in town and ran into San on the streets and was given a job here..."

Seonghwa, with a pen poised over his notebook, noted down their information before proceeding. "Thank you for that. Now, have any of you experienced any odd behaviour among customers or noticed anything peculiar in your surroundings recently?"

Yunho's response was swift and assured. "Not at all, sir. We maintain a peaceful environment here. Any unusual activity would be reported immediately."

San chimed in, trying to ease the tension. "We run a tight ship. There might be some quirky folks passing through, but nothing alarming."

Seated at the table, Hongjoong couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the intense scrutiny. His gaze shifted between Seonghwa and Mingi, the former's captivating presence drawing him in inexplicably. Seonghwa's commanding yet gentle demeanour, the way his eyes held a depth that seemed to hint at unseen stories, stirred something within Hongjoong.

With each passing question, Hongjoong's attention inadvertently lingered longer on Seonghwa. He found himself lost in the agent's graceful movements, the meticulousness in his every gesture. Seonghwa's voice, firm yet oddly comforting, resonated in the room, weaving through Hongjoong's thoughts like an enchanting melody.

As Seonghwa's gaze met his during the interrogation, Hongjoong felt his heart race, his chest tightening inexplicably. His breath hitched for a moment, the captivating intensity of Seonghwa's eyes momentarily locking him in a trance. It was as if time paused, the world around them fading away, leaving only the silent exchange of glances.

The moment passed too quickly, and Hongjoong was snapped back to reality by the concluding remarks of the agents. Mingi's measured observations and Seonghwa's courteous yet probing nature left an indelible mark on Hongjoong's mind.

As the questions circled back to Hongjoong, he felt Seonghwa's piercing gaze upon him. "Mr. Kim Hongjoong, in your brief time here, have you noticed anything out of the ordinary?"

Caught off guard by the direct attention, Hongjoong stumbled over his words, his nerves getting the better of him. "Nothing... really. Just... usual stuff," he managed to stammer out, his eyes flitting around the room nervously.

Seonghwa's observant eyes lingered for a moment longer, seemingly probing deeper into Hongjoong's response. His gaze was intense yet enigmatic, leaving Hongjoong feeling a mix of discomfort and a strange pull he couldn't quite comprehend.

The interrogation continued with Mingi's inquiries probing deeper into the restaurant's operations and routines. Seonghwa's occasional glances toward Hongjoong didn't go unnoticed, leaving him feeling a mix of unease and a peculiar attraction he couldn't explain.

Despite the discomfort, the agents maintained a professional air throughout the questioning. Seonghwa concluded the conversation with a composed tone, "Thank you for your cooperation. Should anything seem out of place, please don't hesitate to contact us immediately."

As the officers departed, the room seemed to exhale a collective sigh of relief mixed with lingering tension. Yunho remained composed, San attempted to lighten the mood, and Wooyoung visibly relaxed. Yet for Hongjoong, the encounter had been more than just an interrogation; it had been a moment of unexpected connection, especially under Seonghwa's probing gaze.

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