II (Edited)

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Chapter Two

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Hongjoong's eyelids fluttered open, greeted by the harsh glare of bright light. Startled, he sat up on the velvet couch, scanning the unfamiliar living room around him. Wrapped in a blanket, he observed the coffee table, couches, and a TV mounted on the wall. Sunlight streamed in through the open curtains, casting a serene morning glow.

"Where am I?" His words came out in a mumble, his gaze darting around the room. His mask rested on the table alongside his phone. Snatching his phone, he activated the camera and heaved a sigh of relief seeing his eyes back to their original brown hue.

"Good morning." A voice chimed from the hallway. Hongjoong turned to find a man holding two mugs, a warm smile gracing his features. Wavy brown hair with a streak of white reminiscent of Hongjoong's adorned the man's forehead. Clad in a purple sweater and blue jeans, he exuded a welcoming aura.

Setting the tray down, the man joined Hongjoong on the couch opposite him. "How are you feeling?" He handed one mug to Hongjoong, cradling the other in his hands. Scepticism lingered in Hongjoong's eyes as he eyed the drink.

"It's safe for vampires." The man reassured, noticing Hongjoong's uncertainty. "Relax a bit. I'm one too. When you collapsed, you had a seizure and your fangs came out. I didn't want any trouble, so I brought you here," he explained, a hint of apology in his tone.

Taking the mug cautiously, Hongjoong blew on the warm liquid before tentatively sipping it. Coffee—something he had never tasted—turned out to be a surprising substitute for his kind. "Thank you," he murmured quietly.

"I'm San! Always nice to meet another vampire." San's smile widened, his eyes forming crescents. Hongjoong reciprocated with a faint smile. "Hongjoong," he replied softly.

The conversation shifted, and San's concern deepened. "What happened to you? How long have you been starving?" His gaze held Hongjoong's, searching for answers.

"Three months," came Hongjoong's simple response as he finished his coffee. San's shock was palpable. "Three months?! That's beyond what a vampire can endure without feeding. How are you still alive?"

Shrugging nonchalantly, Hongjoong placed his empty mug on the table. San's next question caught him off guard. "Are you a runaway? There was news about an attack in Busan but no signs of feeding."

"I killed an innocent civilian," Hongjoong confessed, his voice hollow as he averted his gaze. "I couldn't bring myself to drink their blood. I fled, abandoning everything and ended up here. The VEU is probably hunting me down as we speak."

Rising from the couch, he retrieved his phone and bowed slightly to San. "Thank you for your help. I apologise for intruding, but I should leave." Before he could make his exit, San called out to him.

"Wait!" San stood up and approached Hongjoong, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I think I can help. There's an organisation I'm part of. We assist vampires like us who have nowhere to go—runaways like you."

Hongjoong shook his head faintly. "I'd endanger all of you. The VEU is likely after me. Three months without feeding—I could go rogue at any moment."

"We can help! We provide monthly food supplies, and I doubt the VEU is tailing you. The attack was in Busan, hours away from here." San squeezed his shoulder, attempting to reassure him.

Hongjoong moved toward the window, gazing at the cityscape.

"Speaking of, where exactly am I?" he inquired, peering at San.

Stepping up beside him, San wrapped an arm around Hongjoong's shoulders, pulling him closer. "Welcome to Seoul."

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