XII (Edited)

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Chapter Twelve

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Two hours earlier, Seonghwa's steps echoed down the hallway, a rhythmic cadence that conveyed his sense of purpose. His polished shoes whispered against the marble floor as he approached the imposing double doors adorned with the engraved name, Director Kim Gyu Uk. He anticipated this last-minute summons to be about the ongoing investigation, an expectation that quickened his pulse.

A crisp knock resonated through the hallway, answered by a muted voice granting entry. Seonghwa pushed open the doors, stepping into the expansive office bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun. Director Kim Gyu Uk sat behind an imposing desk, arms folded, while another figure occupied one of the armchairs, their backs turned to Seonghwa. It was evident that an intense conversation was underway.

Acknowledging Seonghwa's entrance, Director Kim rose from his seat, walking around the desk to meet him. "Seonghwa, good, you're here." The director's firm hand settled briefly on Seonghwa's back as they approached the desk. The other man stood, revealing a youthful appearance, clad in a well-fitted suit with a cascade of black hair framing his face. Despite his seemingly amiable features, an air of authority exuded from him.

"Hello, Sunbaenim," the young man greeted with a respectful ninety-degree bow, his voice carrying a gentle lilt. Seonghwa reciprocated with a nod, studying the newcomer. "Seonghwa, this is Jongho. He recently graduated from the academy. He'll be joining your squad," the director introduced, his hand patting Jongho's back.

"Choi Jongho. I look forward to working with you," the boy articulated with genuine enthusiasm, a smile gracing his features. Seonghwa extended his hand, initiating a handshake, feeling a sense of responsibility and anticipation for this new team dynamic.

After the formalities, Seonghwa guided Jongho around the building, showcasing the labyrinthine corridors and assorted departments before leading him back to their shared office. Upon entering, Mingi and Yeosang, engrossed in paperwork, looked up in surprise. Mingi, with his usual curiosity, approached while Yeosang, caught off guard, seemed to recognize Jongho.

"Hey, hyung. Who's this?" Mingi inquired, his intrigue evident. Meanwhile, Yeosang's reaction was distinct; he stood slowly, his gaze fixed on the visitor. "Jongho?"

Recognition flashed in Jongho's eyes as he met Yeosang's gaze. "Yeosang? You actually joined the VEU?" The astonishment was palpable in his voice as he rushed forward, enveloping Yeosang in a tight embrace. The two shared a moment of genuine reunion, a connection from their past resurfacing.

Yeosang explained their shared history, shedding light on their lost connection since high school. Jongho, after Yeosang's departure, had continued in school for another year before embarking on his own path. His determination to reunite led him to the academy.

Seonghwa, observing this interaction, noted a marked difference in Jongho's demeanour. The confident aura from the director's office had shifted to one of shyness and timidity. The unexpected reunion unfolded before him, revealing layers of past connections and untold stories.

"How about we go out tonight? Get to know our new teammate," Seonghwa proposed, breaking the momentary silence. The idea resonated with them all, solidifying their newfound camaraderie.

Entering the bustling bar, Seonghwa found himself momentarily abandoned. Mingi had vanished into the crowd, and Yeosang and Jongho had wandered off to catch up on lost time. Seonghwa sighed, his attempt at fostering camaraderie falling short as he scanned the crowded room, feeling isolated once more.

As Seonghwa stood alone, observing the lively atmosphere, the background din of conversations and music filled the space. His mind wandered, pondering the dynamics of the night and the unexpected turn of events. Yet, he remained open to the possibility of forging new connections, waiting for the night's surprises to unfold. That was until a sudden collision interrupted his contemplation.

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