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Chapter Ten

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

A familiar ache pervaded Hongjoong's body, the tangible reminder of the recent ordeal. His eyes flickered open, scanning the unfamiliar room. It was a vast space, a stark contrast to the comfort of his own room. Drenched in black covers, the king-sized bed cradled him, a temporary sanctuary from the chaos of the night.

The shuffle of movement outside drew his attention, and the door creaked open to reveal Seonghwa. Hongjoong was taken aback; he hadn't expected to find Seonghwa in the room.

"Oh! You're awake." Seonghwa entered, setting a tray on the table beside the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and placed a cool, damp towel on Hongjoong's forehead, gently urging him to remain lying down. Despite the urge to sit up, the ache that surged through him thwarted his attempt.

"How are you feeling?" Seonghwa's voice conveyed genuine concern. Hongjoong grunted, attempting to sit up, but his body refused to cooperate. He glanced around, his bewilderment evident. This wasn't his familiar space; it was an unknown realm he found himself in.

"How long was I out?" Hongjoong inquired, his hand gingerly reaching to soothe the throbbing in his head.

"Hm... five hours? It's almost sunrise," Seonghwa replied, his voice a calming presence amid Hongjoong's distress.

Realising the intrusion on Seonghwa's night, Hongjoong muttered, "Oh shit, I'm sorry. You must have not gotten any sleep because of me."

"Oh no, it's totally fine. It comes with the job I guess." Seonghwa was interrupted by the sound of scratching at the door. "Oh- that's right I almost forgot!" Seonghwa immediately stood up and made his way to the door, opening it slightly, letting in a furry creature. The black cat ran towards Hongjoong and leaped onto the bed, cuddling into his arms. "This little one came running out after the attack and followed me all the way here." Seonghwa returned to his seat and grabbed the two mugs from the bedside table, reaching one out to Hongjoong. He took the hot mug in his hands and realised that he probably can't drink it. He set the mug down on the bedside table and petted the cat.

As Seonghwa returned to his seat, handing Hongjoong a mug, the conversation swerved to the events that had unfolded. Hongjoong's thoughts flickered back to the horrifying encounter. The rush of emotions was overwhelming; Seonghwa's presence was a peculiar juxtaposition against the traumatic memory of Seonghwa being the one who had shot him.

"Don't worry. He's dead. My team took his body in for investigation. There's no need to worry anymore. You're safe," Seonghwa's words carried a softness that tried to soothe the remnants of Hongjoong's fear.

"I should probably get going. My roommate must be freaking out," Hongjoong attempted to sit up, making his resolve evident. However, Seonghwa's offer of breakfast lingered in the air.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't mind you staying a bit longer just so I know you're alright. I could make breakfast?" Seonghwa suggested, his concern evident in the widening smile.

But Hongjoong stood firm, heading towards the door, the black cat nestled in his arms. Seonghwa followed, hurrying to catch up.

"Wait up!" Hongjoong slipped on his shoes, but before he could open the door, Seonghwa's hand gently clasped his wrist. Hongjoong turned, and Seonghwa handed him a card, a soft plea in his eyes as he whispered, "Call me."

Exiting the lobby, the opulence of the apartment complex surrounded him. The heart of Seoul unfolded before him, a stark contrast to the refuge he had just departed.

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